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Famous figures who had Titanic tickets but didn't make it onboard

Famous figures who had Titanic tickets but didn't make it onboard
The Titanic (top) with Milton Hershey, J. Pierpont Morgan, and Henry Clay Frick.Public domain; Getty Images

The sinking of the Titanic in April 1912 still captivates us today, with numerous books, a multi-billion-dollar movie, museums, and, controversially, tours to the site of the wreckage available.

Interest around the ship led to another maritime tragedy in June 2023, when a submersible went missing on the way to the wreckage and was eventually confirmed to have imploded, killing all five people onboard. Stories have since emerged about people who were invited to take part in one of OceanGate's trips, but decided against it — much like, over 100 years ago, how people were fascinated with who had almost been on the Titanic.

Here are seven notable figures who were supposed to sail on the Titanic's maiden voyage but didn't — and four well-known people who were booked to go on a future journey with the ship.

Milton Hershey, of Hershey's chocolate, sent the White Star Line a $300 check to reserve a spot on the Titanic, but he ended up sailing home on the SS Amerika instead.

Milton Hershey, of Hershey
Milton Hershey.      Bettmann/Getty Images

Hershey and his wife, Catherine, spent their winters on the French Riviera as they got older. In December 1911, the couple left for another extended European vacation and, for their return journey, Hershey wrote a $300 check from the Hershey Trust Company to the White Star Line to reserve places on the maiden voyage of the company's brand-new ship, the Titanic.

According to Lancaster History, pressing business matters forced Hershey to cut his vacation short, and he left Europe just days before the Titanic would set sail, instead heading home on a German liner called the Amerika, which would later warn the Titanic about the dangerous amount of ice.

Hershey's canceled check is still in the possession of the Hershey Community Archives, and you can view it online.

J. Pierpont Morgan (yes, J. P. Morgan himself) had a personal suite on the Titanic and had attended its launch party in 1911. But he extended his French vacation and missed the sinking.

J. Pierpont Morgan (yes, J. P. Morgan himself) had a personal suite on the Titanic and had attended its launch party in 1911. But he extended his French vacation and missed the sinking.
J. Pierpont Morgan.      CORBIS/Corbis/Getty Images

"I've never been able to find an authoritative 1912 source explaining the exact reason why J. P. Morgan cancelled his passage on the Titanic,"  Titanic expert George Behe told Reuters in 2021. Some posited reasons were that he was in bad health, or that he was having issues in customs due to his art collection.

However, we do know that Morgan, the co-founder of General Electric, International Harvester, and US Steel, was also the founder of the International Mercantile Marine, which in turn owned White Star Line. According to the Washington Post, he was even on hand to witness its 1911 launch.

"Monetary losses amount to nothing in life," Morgan said to a New York Times reporter after the sinking. "It is the loss of life that counts. It is that frightful death."

Inventor of the radio and Nobel Prize winner Guglielmo Marconi opted to head to the US three days earlier on the Lusitania, forgoing a free ticket on the Titanic.

Inventor of the radio and Nobel Prize winner Guglielmo Marconi opted to head to the US three days earlier on the Lusitania, forgoing a free ticket on the Titanic.
Guglielmo Marconi.      Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis/Getty Images

You might know that Marconi was considered a hero after the sinking of the Titanic because, due to his invention of the wireless radio, the ships in the surrounding area knew where to look for the lifeboats.

But did you know that he was almost on board the ship himself? According to his daughter Degna's 1926 book, "My Father, Marconi," he was offered a free ticket aboard the Titanic. But because his personal stenographer got seasick, Marconi opted to sail to the US on the Lusitania, because he trusted that ship's stenographer more than Titanic's.

Henry Clay Frick, chairman of the Carnegie Steel Company, missed the sailing of the Titanic because his wife sprained her ankle in Italy and needed to be hospitalized.

Henry Clay Frick, chairman of the Carnegie Steel Company, missed the sailing of the Titanic because his wife sprained her ankle in Italy and needed to be hospitalized.
Henry Clay Frick.      Bettmann/Getty Images

Visitors to New York City might recognize Frick's name from the Frick Collection or the Henry Clay Frick House. He was an important industrialist and patron of the arts — and he was close to sailing on the doomed voyage.

"The Fricks booked the suite first, and then Mrs. Frick sprained her ankle while they were in Europe buying art and touring and things; so, they stayed behind to get medical attention," historian Melanie Linn Gutowski told CBS Pittsburgh in 2012.

"The suite that they booked, that some historians think that they booked, was some kind of savior suite in a way," she continued. "Everybody who booked it managed to survive either by not being on the ship, or jumping into a lifeboat at the last minute."

Eventually, the tickets made their way to J. Bruce Ismay, the chairman and managing director of the White Star Line. Controversially, he was one of the few men to make their way on to a lifeboat and survive. He was criticized for this for the rest of his life.

Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt canceled his ticket on the Titanic at the last minute and saved his own life — but only for a few years. He was on board the Lusitania when it was sunk by a German U-boat in May 1915.

Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt canceled his ticket on the Titanic at the last minute and saved his own life — but only for a few years. He was on board the Lusitania when it was sunk by a German U-boat in May 1915.
A cartoon of Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt.      Hulton Archive/Getty Images

As a member of the prominent Vanderbilt family, Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt was a well-known member of New York society — so there was media coverage when it was revealed he'd narrowly escaped the Titanic.

Unfortunately, just a few years later, he was aboard the British ocean liner Lusitania, which was sunk by German U-boats in 1915. He was one of the 1,200 passengers who did not survive the attack.

American journalist Theodore Dreiser was persuaded by his publisher to take a cheaper ship home across the Atlantic.

American journalist Theodore Dreiser was persuaded by his publisher to take a cheaper ship home across the Atlantic.
Theodore Dreiser.      Bettmann/Getty Images

Dreiser wrote about his brush with disaster in his 1913 memoir, "A Traveler at Forty." The section, titled "The Voyage Home" was called "one of the most gripping chapters in the memoir" by Slate.

According to Dreiser, he wanted to sail home with all the rich and powerful people aboard the Titanic to get a peek at how the other half lived, but his publisher convinced him to sail home on the cheaper ship Kroonland, two days before Titanic sank.

"The terror of the sea had come swiftly and directly home to all," Dreiser wrote, according to Slate. "To think of a ship as immense as the Titanic, new and bright, sinking in endless fathoms of water. And the two thousand passengers routed like rats from their berths only to float helplessly in miles of water, praying and crying!"

John Mott, another Nobel Prize winner, was also offered a free ticket on the ship, but he chose a smaller ship, the Lapland, instead.

John Mott, another Nobel Prize winner, was also offered a free ticket on the ship, but he chose a smaller ship, the Lapland, instead.
John R. Mott.      Bettman/Getty Images

Mott, the longtime leader of the YMCA and a Nobel Peace Prize winner, was another near-miss. According to Gorden R. Doss, a professor at Andrews University, Mott came close to death a few times.

First, he skipped the Titanic and opted for the Lapland. Three decades later, in 1943, he narrowly avoided a train crash.

According to Sotheby's, Mott, upon hearing about the sinking, was quoted as saying, "The Good Lord must have more work for us to do."

There were other celebrities who had tickets to sail the Titanic in the future, had it not sank. J.C. Penney was set to sail on the ship's next trip from England to New York.

There were other celebrities who had tickets to sail the Titanic in the future, had it not sank. J.C. Penney was set to sail on the ship
James Cash Penney, aka J.C. Penney.      Underwood Archives/Getty Images

According to the Smithsonian Magazine, the founder of JCPenney was all set to sail on the Titanic's second voyage to England to the US.

Frank Seiberling, the co-founder of Goodyear Tires, was booked to return to Southampton on the Titanic's next voyage.

Frank Seiberling, the co-founder of Goodyear Tires, was booked to return to Southampton on the Titanic
Frank Seiberling.      Heritage Art/Heritage Images/Getty Images

As the Akron Beacon Journal reported, Seiberling — the co-founder of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company — and his wife frequently traveled to England and were huge admirers of English architecture. But one of their trips was postponed when their ship out of the states, the Titanic, sank.

So was John Alden Dix, the governor of New York.

So was John Alden Dix, the governor of New York.
John A. Dix.      Heritage Art/Heritage Images/Getty Images

Smithsonian Magazine also reported that Dix, the governor of New York from 1911 to 1913, was on the passenger list of the Titanic's return trip to England.

Henry Adams, a descendant of President John Adams and President John Quincy Adams, was also booked on this trip.

Henry Adams, a descendant of President John Adams and President John Quincy Adams, was also booked on this trip.
Henry Brooks Adams.      Culture Club/Bridgeman/Getty Images

"My ship, the Titanic, is on her way," Adams, a historian, wrote in a letter on April 12, 1912, "and unless she drops me somewhere else, I should get to Cherbourg in a fortnight." As history tells, Adams was never able to board the ship and was forced to book passage elsewhere, The New Republic's Timothy Noah wrote.

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