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An intersectional environmentalist shares how to host sustainable gatherings and celebrations with minimal waste

Armani Syed   

An intersectional environmentalist shares how to host sustainable gatherings and celebrations with minimal waste

  • Leah Thomas is an intersectional environmentalist who hosts sustainable events.
  • Thomas told Insider eco-friendly hosting can be costly, but there are affordable methods.

Intersectional environmentalism may sound wordy but its aims are simple, says Leah Thomas, an activist and author who champions inclusive climate solutions.

In the summer of 2020, Thomas, a 27-year-old based in Los Angeles, founded Intersectional Environmentalist, a community platform that explores "how identity and sustainability might intersect," she told Insider. In March, Thomas published her debut book, "The Intersectional Environmentalist," which she said is an "accessible and encouraging introduction" to the world of intersectional theory.

Intersectional approaches look at how factors such as income and racial demographics determine who bears the brunt of environmental issues, including toxic waste, polluted water, and natural disasters, Thomas said.

After completing her environmental studies in 2017, Thomas said subsequent events that galvanized global social justice efforts and ignited nuanced conversations about gender and race led her to create a space where those topics aren't tackled independently of each other.

In May 2020, Thomas shared an Instagram post bringing intersectional environmentalism to the attention of her followers, which now amount to over 236,000. The post's caption read: "Social justice cannot wait. It is not an optional 'add-on' to environmentalism. It is unfair to opt in and out of caring about racial injustices when many of us cannot."

The caption added that Black, Indigenous, and other ethnic minority communities face the daily impact of social and environmental injustice. The post created a movement and brought together a group of goal-orientated climate activists who want to make environmental education joyful, Thomas said.

Thomas now hosts sustainable gatherings for the community

Thomas said she has now hosted two sustainable events, one at a zero-waste venue in Brooklyn and another that was an outdoor event in Los Angeles.

"A year ago, I thought of an idea to host really intimate climate justice concerts because I wanted to find new ways to educate folks about environmental nonprofits that were also really fun and hopeful," Thomas told Insider. She said the first show was held in Brooklyn at a zero-waste venue that featured two performances and a panel talk with food-justice organizations.

She said the venue's sustainable practices were subtle, but they used aluminum cups, had clear recycling and composting stations, and served plant-based food. "If you're throwing an event outside the home, look for zero-waste spaces because they'll have really strict standards already so you have to be accountable and follow them," she added.

Thomas said a lot of sustainability improvements tend to focus on consumer behavior and individual choices, but telling people to go out and buy new eco-friendly items can be counterproductive. There are a number of simple ways that people can plan more environmentally conscious events, whether they're small at-home gatherings or large corporate parties.

Try to serve locally-sourced food and avoid single-use items

Seeking out locally-sourced food products can be a great way to make an event more environmentally conscious, Thomas said, adding that natural wine is also a good purchase. Thomas said she hosted her birthday party in December with seven close friends and invited the founder of Homegrown Kitchen in Los Angeles to cook for her.

"This is not an everyday occurrence, but having her team cook a really beautiful meal that's locally sourced with sustainable ingredients was how I wanted to spend my birthday," she said.

From an intersectional perspective, Thomas said she's aware that these methods are not financially viable for everyone but another option is trying to avoid single-use items. She recommended reusable towels and napkins to save on paper waste and more durable materials so they last.

As sustainable items often have higher price points, Thomas said Facebook Marketplace is a great resource for second-hand items. "I get a lot of compliments on the random up-cycled and repurposed things that I have," she said. "I have coasters that are made out of a fabric that's been plant-dyed."

For those who can't avoid single-use items, opt for biodegradable and compostable paper plates and cutlery, she added.

Create table displays and decorations from existing materials

When it comes to an event space, Thomas thinks minimalism is the way to go because "less is more." She suggested getting crafty with old fabrics and materials you already own to create decorations. "You can make little pompoms if you shred up fabric," she added.

Thomas also said that if you have table displays, ensure that the items can be used after the event ends to avoid waste. "I remember at the end of our most recent Earth Sessions concert, I was going around telling people, 'Please take this bouquet. Take this, take it home,'" she said.

For birthdays, try to avoid releasing helium balloons because they can disrupt birdlife, she added.

Thomas also said shaming people into sustainable practices never works, and that those looking to improve their carbon footprint should lead by example. She added that volunteering to look into more sustainable options or sourcing compostable items will allow them to be part of the solution.

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