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A woman who spent 14 months in Antarctica says she went through sensory overload upon returning home — and a tactic she picked up during isolation helped her cope with the change

Melissa Wiley   

A woman who spent 14 months in Antarctica says she went through sensory overload upon returning home — and a tactic she picked up during isolation helped her cope with the change
  • Rachael Robertson is one of very few people who have spent a continuous year in AntarcticaCool Antarctica, a travel and information website, estimates that just 1,000 people do so each year.
  • From November 2004 to January 2006, Robertson served as the expedition leader of Davis Station, one of three Australian research bases in Antarctica.
  • During the winter, she and her team experienced months of near-total darkness and had no way of leaving the continent.
  • Robertson, now an international keynote speaker and author, sees parallels between her experience in Antarctica and the experience of self-isolating at home during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Robertson spoke to Business Insider about the mindsets and strategies that helped her reenter society after months of isolation.

Months of darkness, no cell phones, and no way out.

At 35, Rachael Robertson made a career move she never anticipated in her wildest dreams: packing up her life in Australia to spend a year in one of the most isolated destinations on Earth.

From November 2004 to January 2006, she served as the expedition leader of Davis Research Station in Antarctica. In the role, she was responsible for overseeing a team of 138 researchers — 120 in summer, and 18 in the winter.

During that time, she had only one instance of contact with the outside world: when Australia's icebreaker ship arrived in February to pick up the summer crew. For nine months after that, she and her team were left to brave blizzards, power outages, and below-freezing temperatures on their own.

Robertson recalls her stomach flipping when she watched the ship head back to Australia. "I remember looking around at my team and just thinking, I won't see another face for nine months," she told Business Insider.

Robertson sees parallels between her experience in Antarctica and the experience of isolating at home during the coronavirus pandemic

During the winter, temperatures — which dropped as low as -40˚F and consistently hovered around -31˚F — prevented Robertson and her team from venturing outside for long periods of time, and shared living quarters didn't offer much by way of privacy.

"It's very similar to what we're going through now," she said of the pandemic-imposed quarantine, which she is riding out in Melbourne, Australia.

While Robertson and her team were not dealing with the challenges of a global health crisis in Antarctica, they did face taxing experiences of their own.

For one, they were isolated to the fullest extent of the definition. Antarctica gets so cold that planes don't dare land near the station in the winter for fear of hydraulics freezing, Robertson said.

Keeping her team motivated was another hurdle. Not only does Antarctica experience periods of 24-7 darkness, but, in order to keep internet bandwidth available for scientific data, team members also weren't allowed to have cell phones (only pagers), download movies, or video chat.

Aside from "really old movies" on 16-millimeter film that lived at the station, "any movies you're watching would be a DVD that you've brought down and you're playing on your personal laptop," Robertson said. She once had to reprimand a team member for downloading an episode of South Park after she received a call from the head office.

As the expedition leader, Robertson also faced the challenge of being constantly watched and scrutinized. "I call it 20 years of CEO experience," she told Business Insider.

"For a year I had people knocking on my bedroom door, and I had to be available to people around the clock in case there was an emergency, so I couldn't drink alcohol," she said.

Reentering society after months of isolation

The first thing Robertson did when she got off the icebreaker ship and stepped foot in Hobart, Australia, was go to a sushi restaurant. For months, she had been living on frozen and dehydrated food.

But when the novelty of returning home passed, the anxious feelings and sensory overload set in.

"What hit me hard was things like noise," Robertson said. "You've been locked inside for so long and suddenly there's traffic, and there's sirens, and there's car horns. The noise of being in a big city — it's just overwhelming."

Choice was another. "I remember coming back to Australia and being in the grocery store and being overwhelmed in the breakfast cereal aisle, just looking at this choice of breakfast cereal, because for a year I think we had like four choices, and then suddenly there's 40," Robertson said.

On top of that, Robertson had to find a job, get furniture out of storage, buy a car, and generally restart her life.

She estimates it took her a full six months before she got used to being back in civilization.

Adopting certain mindsets and strategies helped her through the transition

Reminding herself that "this too shall pass," Robertson started approaching her new life not week by week, or even day by day, but hour by hour. "I couldn't even think the next day or the next week that was too far away. It was the next hour. What will I do in the next hour?"

"I just had to tell myself that what I'm feeling now, I won't always feel like this," she told Business Insider.

In Antarctica, Robertson adopted a strategy of focusing on what she could control as opposed to what she couldn't, like blizzards. That same strategy proved key upon her return to Australia.

"If I had no control or no influence over something, I let it go," she said.

To avoid being overwhelmed by requests to reconnect, Robertson realized she could control who visited her and who she caught up with at what time.

Looking ahead, Robertson recognizes that the experience of emerging from months of self-isolation will be different for everyone.

"Some people will be really excited and some people will be completely anxious. I think most of us will fit somewhere in the middle," she said.

Her advice to all of us: "Check on each other and take care of each other."


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