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  4. A woman bought a broken-down school bus in Iceland for $800 and spent 2 years and $36,000 transforming it into a coffee shop. Take a look inside.

A woman bought a broken-down school bus in Iceland for $800 and spent 2 years and $36,000 transforming it into a coffee shop. Take a look inside.

Asia London Palomba   

A woman bought a broken-down school bus in Iceland for $800 and spent 2 years and $36,000 transforming it into a coffee shop. Take a look inside.
Holly Keyser spent two years and $36,000 transforming a school bus into a coffee shop in Iceland.Holly Keyser
  • After moving to Iceland from the UK, Holly Kesyer bought an old school bus for $800.
  • She told Insider she spent two years and $36,000 renovating and converting it into a coffee shop.

When Holly Keyser moved from the UK to Iceland in 2017, she didn't think she'd end up buying a run-down school bus and converting it into a coffee shop.

When Holly Keyser moved from the UK to Iceland in 2017, she didn
Keyser worked as a glacier guide in southern Iceland.      Holly Keyser

After working as a police officer in the UK for almost 10 years, and then moving to Australia for six more to work in marketing operations management, in 2017, Holly Keyser realized she wanted a change of pace, she told Insider.

So she moved to southern Iceland to become a glacier guide. Taking tourists to hike and explore glaciers was her way to see more of the world, while still being close to family in the UK, she said.

And while she quickly fell in love with Iceland's outdoors, Keyser said she also began to miss the local coffee-shop culture that was a staple of her social life in Australia.

"The one thing I really missed when I came to Iceland was small coffee shops, where you weren't made to feel guilty for taking up a whole table just for a coffee," Keyser said.

That missing piece inspired Keyser to use her savings to purchase a former school bus in 2018, a year after she moved to the country, inside which she eventually opened Skool Beans Cafe, a coffee shop in Southern Iceland.

Here's a closer look at how she did it, and the bus' transformation, which took two years to complete.

Keyser told Insider that she decided on a food truck-style shop as she thought it would involve fewer obstacles than a brick and mortar. She found an old school bus that had been sitting in a field for two years.

Keyser told Insider that she decided on a food truck-style shop as she thought it would involve fewer obstacles than a brick and mortar. She found an old school bus that had been sitting in a field for two years.
The school bus was cheap because of a broken engine.      Holly Keyser

Keyser looked at horse trailers and fire trucks before finding a broken-down school bus for sale.

Keyser said the bus' owner told her it once belonged to an American airbase near Reykjavik that closed in 2006. It was later used by a river rafting company to tow boats and shuttle passengers, before being left in a field unused for two years at the company's base camp near the Golden Circle, a popular tourist route close to Reykjavik.

She said she bought the 38-foot-long bus for 100,000 ISK, or roughly $800 at the time, even though it had a broken engine and the interiors were caked in 20 inches of mud.

Keyser said she went to pick it up with a mechanic friend, who was able to quickly repair the engine, and they drove it away the same day.

Keyser told Insider she then left the bus parked in her driveway for two years while she renovated it. The first thing she did was clear 20 inches of mud to see the state of the floor.

Keyser told Insider she then left the bus parked in her driveway for two years while she renovated it. The first thing she did was clear 20 inches of mud to see the state of the floor.
The bus with its original seats (L), and the bus after it had been cleared (R).      Holly Keyser

With the bus parked in her driveway in Kirkjubaejarklaustur, a village in the south of Iceland, Keyser immediately began the process of renovating it to eventually become a coffee shop.

She said she started by cleaning out mud buildup and ripping out the old seats. She then used sandpaper to file off rust before coating the interior walls in three layers of white paint.

Keyser told Insider she intended to fit chairs, tables, a serving counter, and a wood-burning fireplace in the eight-foot-wide space, and sourced second-hand wood from junkyards and donations to build the counters.

Keyser told Insider she intended to fit chairs, tables, a serving counter, and a wood-burning fireplace in the eight-foot-wide space, and sourced second-hand wood from junkyards and donations to build the counters.
Keyser's father building a counter (L), and Keyser and her father working on the bus (R).      Holly Keyser

Installing the counters came next.

Keyser told Insider that her father, an engineer, flew to Iceland from the UK to help build the bus' serving counter out of scraps of wood taken from a local junkyard.

The counter, decorated with rulers down its front, was placed in the back so customers could use the bus' original entrance to enter the shop, she said, and they added a folding section to one side so that staff could walk in and out. She and her father also built shelves, a long wooden counter, and three tables where customers could sit and enjoy their coffee.

Keyser said she knew she wanted to keep the school bus exterior, but fully redesigned the interior to resemble a cozy coffee shop.

Keyser said she knew she wanted to keep the school bus exterior, but fully redesigned the interior to resemble a cozy coffee shop.
New linoleum flooring and seats (L), and an indoor wood-burning fireplace (R).      Holly Keyser

Halfway through the renovation process, Keyser moved to Vík, a small seaside town on Iceland's southern coast. She told Insider she was permitted to park the school bus in the parking lot of a hostel near her new home to continue renovations.

At that point, she said she imported black and white linoleum flooring with brass trim, which cost her $470, and a wood-burning indoor fireplace for about $1,000, to help give the cafe a cozy feel. Keyser told Insider that chairs were sourced from a local restaurant.

The final steps were repainting the bus' exterior with anti-rust ship paint and adding the Skool Beans Cafe sign.

The final steps were repainting the bus
Keyser and her boyfriend repainting the bus' exterior.      Holly Keyser

Since Vík is close to the sea and salty air can cause rust, Keyser said she painted the bus' exterior in two layers of weather-resistant paint.

She told Insider she enlisted her boyfriend's help for the job, and thought it was one of the easier steps of the renovation process. Although, "the outside painting was faster, and more fun," Keyser told Insider, "we had to use [days] where it was sunny, warm, windless, and no rain. This was like finding an elf in Iceland."

Once the paint was dry, she attached heavy duty stickers with the words "Skool Beans Cafe" to the bus' sides.

Even with sourcing repurposed materials, Keyser said costs added up.

Even with sourcing repurposed materials, Keyser said costs added up.
It took Keyser two years and roughly $36,000 to convert the bus into a coffee shop.      Holly Keyser

According to Keyser, the complete renovation, including purchasing the bus, coffee shop permits, and materials, cost roughly $36,000.

She said she imported almost everything from abroad, since it was cheaper than buying in Iceland. The shop's biggest ticket item was the coffee machine, which Keyser said cost $4,500, plus another $1,000 from a 24% import tax.

To afford the renovation, Keyser says she worked full time as a presenter at a lava demonstration show, a tourist experience that recreates a volcanic eruption by super heating actual lava. She worked on renovations in her free time, and told Insider the time constraints of waiting for imports lengthened the renovation process to two years.

Keyser finally opened Skool Beans Cafe in July 2020 in a national park.

Keyser finally opened Skool Beans Cafe in July 2020 in a national park.
The inside of the bus once it was completed (L), and Keyser inside her coffee shop (R).      Holly Keyser

In the summer of 2020, Keyser parked her bus off the main road in a secluded field in the shadow of Katla, one of the largest, glacier-covered volcanoes in Iceland.

She told Insider that she chose the location because it granted the bus access to staff toilets. But, Keyser said that obtaining permits to park in the national park was a complicated process. "I needed to apply for permission from the land owner, then the municipality [of Vík], then health and safety," she said.

She decided to park the bus away from the main road to mitigate traffic. "I didn't want the 60-seater coaches all piling in, where we wouldn't be able to handle that kind of traffic," she said. "I wanted people to look for and find Skool Beans."

On the first day of business, Keyser's father and stepmother flew in from the UK and her boyfriend helped assist with customers. They took orders through the coffee shop's Instagram direct messages, and served customers who came on foot to the bus window.

The biggest challenges with the cafe so far have been weather-related, Keyser said.

The biggest challenges with the cafe so far have been weather-related, Keyser said.
The bus covered in snow (L), and Keyser's cat Jeffrey outside in the snow (R).      Holly Keyser

Vík is the southernmost town in Iceland, according to Iceland Travel, and is prone to lots of rain, wind, and snow.

Keyser told Insider it was so windy last winter that almost all of the bus' windows were smashed by flying rocks, and a snowstorm ripped open the bus' doors and filled it with snow overnight.

Now, ahead of stormy and windy days, she said she chains oil barrels filled with concrete to the bus' tires to prevent it from rolling over.

Aside from being closed during the winter months, Skool Beans is open six days a week, and Keyser works at the coffee shop every day.

Aside from being closed during the winter months, Skool Beans is open six days a week, and Keyser works at the coffee shop every day.
Keyser's cat Jeffrey sitting on a counter (L) and Jeffrey with Iceland's President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson (R).      Holly Keyser

Keyser works in the shop full time with three employees and says her "yellow box of madness" has seen proposals, music video shoots, and bagpipe concerts.

Although tiring, she says that running the shop is a lot of fun. "I love it. It is a really abstract world that I've found myself in under a volcano in Iceland." She said celebrities like Brian Cox, Bob Odenkirk, and Bjork have visited, and musicians and mimes have put on impromptu shows in the bus.

Keyser's three-legged tabby cat, Jeffrey, often goes to work with her, and his popularity with customers has made him Skool Beans' mascot. Keyser said she now sells mugs with his picture, and that her customers, a mix of locals and tourists, will often bring cat snacks and toys for him.

Jeffrey was even a hit with Iceland's President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson and First Lady Eliza Jean Reid, who visited Skool Beans in March 2023 to sample some drinks, and took a photo with the tabby.

"The president had quite the entourage with him — security, photographers, and assistants — but he was the most laidback of them all," Keyser told Insider about the day Jóhannesson visited her cafe. "It was a pretty cool day. He and his wife were just lovely."

In the three years since opening, Keyser built a menu of drinks with unique flavors, and has continued to improve the space.

In the three years since opening, Keyser built a menu of drinks with unique flavors, and has continued to improve the space.
Inside Skool Beans Cafe, as seen from the back of the bus.      Holly Keyser

Keyser said she imports, locally sources, and travels to choose her products. Her teas, for example, are sourced from all over the world, and she purchases many from an independently-owned business in Belgium.

She told Insider that ideas for some of her signature drinks come to her in dreams, while others are echoes of her travels. A new menu item called "Dragon's Breath," for example, a hot chocolate made with Nepal white chocolate infused with cayenne pepper and dragon fruit powder, was inspired by a recent trip to Bali, Indonesia.

She's also continued to upgrade the space. In late 2021, Keyser said she replaced the tables in the bus with another counter to add more seating. She said she also built outdoor benches out of scrap wood for customers to enjoy on warmer days, and painted them yellow to match the bus' exterior.

The cafe also has a lending library and sells products from local artists, like magnets, posters, and woodwork.

The cafe also has a lending library and sells products from local artists, like magnets, posters, and woodwork.
The mini lending library (L) and the indoor wood-burning fireplace (R).      Asia London Palomba/Insider

Keyser named the bus Evelyn in honor of her grandmother, and told Insider she added details to remind her of family in the UK, like a bowl owned by her grandmother holding pins for sale. "Wherever I look, there's bits of them in there," Keyser said. "It was, and is, a labor of love."

Near the counter, there's also a mini library with a "take one or leave one" policy. Keyser told Insider she started the practice because "it was a way to have some interaction with the community, and give back a bit." When President Jóhannesson and First Lady Reid came to visit, they brought a handful of books from their private collection to donate.

Additionally, the shop sells soap and lava jewelry handmade by Keyser, as well as postcards, magnets, posters, and woodwork from local artists. "Vík is a creative hub" Keyser told Insider. "We just try to support local as much as we can."

Aside from beverages, Skool Beans sells bagels, muffins, Icelandic cream cheese, and three kinds of jam made by a friend of Keyser's, who forages for the berries herself, Keyser said.

Keyser told Insider she's currently in the process of building her own roasting lab in the hopes of expanding the business.

Keyser told Insider she
Skool Beans Cafe seen from outside.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

Overall, Keyser told Insider that she's not in a rush to make too many more changes, as Skool Beans is still a young business and she wants to enjoy the process.

Though she said she does hope to eventually open a roasting lab for beans. Skool Beans has two custom roasts, which she occasionally roasts herself and supplies to a coffee shop in Reykjavik.

Although opening a new business in a foreign country and during a global pandemic was challenging, Keyser said the process only made her more creative.

"I don't like to regret things as such. If something didn't go exactly as planned it's easy to use that as a learning experience," she told Insider. "The key to success is not just the idea, it's the support system you have in place that will carry you through to the finish line that matters."

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