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A teenager on TikTok said her Tourette Syndrome makes her shout anti-police slogans like 'ACAB'

Margot Harris   

A teenager on TikTok said her Tourette Syndrome makes her shout anti-police slogans like 'ACAB'
  • 15-year-old Carly, a rising junior in high school, is going viral for her recent TikTok in which she opened up about her Tourette's Syndrome and shared ner newest verbal tics, which include uttering Black Lives Matter slogans.
  • The video, in which she refers to her neurological condition as a "Black Lives Matter activist," features Carly saying slogans used when protesting police brutality, like "A.C.A.B" and "F--- 12."
  • The video has racked up over 7 million views from supporters, critics, and skeptics.
  • In follow-up posts, both Carly and her mother have explained her history with the condition and addressed skeptics' comments.
  • Ultimately, she hopes her videos will inspire her viewers to educate themselves about Tourette's and the Black Lives Matter movement.

15-year-old Carly has been posting TikTok videos since January of 2019 — and she's no stranger to online attention. The rising high school junior frequently posts amusing clips that rack up hundreds of thousands of views. More recently, however, the teenager has reached a new level of viral fame: over the weekend, she opened up about her medical condition — and unexpected activism — in a video that has been viewed over 7 million times.

Two years ago, Carly was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, a neurological disorder that manifests in uncontrollable repetitive movements or sounds known as tics. It's estimated to affect one to 10 in 1,000 children, according to the National Institutes of Health.

"I had tics my whole life, but we didn't really know what Tourette's was until I went to the doctor," Carly told Insider.

Both her motor and verbal tics change frequently, she says, and her verbal tics and are often picked up from phrases she hears regularly.

One recent tic, Carly revealed in her viral TikTok, is uttering slogans associated with the Black Lives Matter protests.

"I don't know who told my Tourettes to be a Black Lives Matter activist, but I'm totally f------- for it. I mean, I support it," she says in the video, which features new vocal tics in which she says "A.C.A.B," an acronym that stands for "All Cops Are Bastards"; "F--- 12," an anti-law enforcement slogan; and "Black Lives Matter."

"With Black Lives Matter being a topical subject right now — well, not just right now but it's being discussed more — I'm hearing a lot more about it," Carly explained to Insider, adding that she's been to "a couple of protests" in response to instances of police brutality.


♬ original sound - carly.silberman

That particular tic, she says, only lasted for a few days. But the short-lived verbal repetitions captivated online audiences.

As of Tuesday afternoon, the video has received 7.4 million views and 10,000 comments from supporters, some critics, and a few skeptics.

"This is the best thing I've ever seen," one commenter wrote.

"God's work," another said.

Other viewers commented in support of law enforcement, and one commenter, claiming to be high school classmate of Carly's, cast doubt on the Tourette Syndrome diagnosis.

While the majority of viewers have been supportive, she says, judgmental and skeptical comments can sting.

"I understand that that's a pretty hard disorder to understand, especially with my younger viewers, because, honestly, it sounds fake because of how complicated it is," she said. " So I understand that, but it's still hurtful when people say I'm faking it because it's something I struggle with."

According to the Mayo Clinic, common vocal tics can include repeating your own words, others' words, or vulgar words or phrases. These are all called complex tics.

Since posting the video, Carly has shared follow-up clips addressing comments accusing her of faking the disorder.

A classmate might not have noticed her tics, she explained in one clip, because she sits in the back of the classroom, usually experiences minor facial tics during class, and takes medication during the school day.


Reply to @backdablue12

♬ original sound - carly.silberman

In another follow-up video, she and her mother explained her history of tics and captured a new one on camera — a sound she picked up from playing Fortnite.


Reply to @squidney6969

♬ original sound - carly.silberman

Initially, Carly was hesitant to talk about her Tourette Syndrome online, fearing she would be reduced to her neurological condition.

"I used to try to hide my Tourette's because I thought people would only know me for that, and I didn't want that to be my whole brand," she said, "but I got to a point where people started noticing it and I just decided to not to hide it anymore and share it with my followers because I wanted to help other people with Tourette's."

For Carly's mom, Diane, watching her daughter go viral — and open herself up to widespread criticism — is difficult.

"It's hurtful when you see kids that are picking on your daughter when they don't know her struggle and what she goes through," Diane, who confirmed Carly's diagnosis, told Insider. "I'm proud of what she's doing, but, you know, it's really hard to see hateful comments when it's your kid."

Ultimately, Carly hopes her videos encourage people to educate themselves.

"I want [viewers] to do more research about the Black Lives Matter movement. If I'm going to be ticcing about it, I might as well get people to sign petitions and donate and do whatever they can," she said. "And I also want to bring awareness to Tourette Syndrome. It's actually a more common disorder that a lot of people realize, but maybe they just haven't seen a severe case. So I want people to be talking about it."

Read more:

People with Tourette syndrome using social media have faced accusations of fraud and insensitivity despite using platforms to educate the public about their condition

Teens on TikTok are exposing a generational rift between parents and kids over how they treat Black Lives Matter protests

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