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  4. A teacher spends hours creating tiny sets for her hamsters, and the photos are adorable

A teacher spends hours creating tiny sets for her hamsters, and the photos are adorable

A teacher spends hours creating tiny sets for her hamsters, and the photos are adorable
One of Beverly Borrill's hamsters graduates.Beverly Borrill/Harcourt Hammies
  • Beverly Borrill is a British school teacher who creates scenes with her hamsters in her spare time.
  • Borrill has six pet hamsters that pose in a variety of scenarios inspired by pop culture, from "Doctor Who" to "Lady and the Tramp."
  • She uses peanut butter to encourage the hamsters to pose ... but sometimes they eat her props instead.

Inspired by pop culture and current events, Beverly Borrell creates miniature scenes with her pet hamsters. The British school teacher, who runs the Instagram page Harcourt Hammies, poses them in a variety of scenarios from holidays like St. Patrick's Day to TV shows like "Doctor Who."

Borrell spoke with Insider about her process, why she loves hamsters, and how her eccentric hobby has been keeping her busy during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Beverly Borrill is a teacher who found a hobby creating scenes with her pet hamsters.

Beverly Borrill is a teacher who found a hobby creating scenes with her pet hamsters.
A hamster in a hot air balloon.      Beverly Borrill/Harcourt Hammies

Borrill's passion started when her daughter created a hot air balloon model and Borrill decided to let the family's pet hamsters pose with it.

"It looked so good that we thought wouldn't it be cute if we put the hamsters in the basket? It looked really great," Borrill told Insider.

She decided to create more miniature models for her hamsters to pose in, thinking, "This could the start of a great adventure."

Borrill has been creating scenes like this one of her hamsters reenacting the iconic "Lady and The Tramp" scene for five or six years.

Borrill has been creating scenes like this one of her hamsters reenacting the iconic "Lady and The Tramp" scene for five or six years.
Hamsters share a plate of spaghetti.      Beverly Borrill/Harcourt Hammies

She said so far she has designed about 40 different models.

Her six hamsters, Marmalade, Button, Sable, Merlot, Sebastian, and Raisin, are the stars of her creations.

Her six hamsters, Marmalade, Button, Sable, Merlot, Sebastian, and Raisin, are the stars of her creations.
A hamster washing its clothes.      Beverly Borrill/Harcourt Hammies

"They're almost human, aren't they?" Borrill said, regarding a hamster's human-like paws. "It's very easy to put them into a human scenario because they're so sweet that way."

A hamster only lives about 18 months, and Borrill finds it sad to watch them get old so quickly.

"You get very attached to them, then … oh dear," she said.

She designs her scenes around events like Mother's Day ...

She designs her scenes around events like Mother
Buying flowers for Mother's Day.      Beverly Borrill/Harcourt Hammies

"I usually take inspiration from things that are topical, anything that is going on around us," she said. "If it's Wimbledon week for example, then we will do hamsters playing tennis. That's how it begins."

... or pop culture icons like "Doctor Who."

... or pop culture icons like "Doctor Who."
"Doctor Who."      Beverly Borrill/Harcourt Hammies

Before construction begins, Borrill will sit down and sketch out what she wants her scene to look like.

"Then I get out the scissors and the glue gun and the cardboard and the bits of left of leftover plastic and recycled milk cartons," she said.

Other works inspired by pop culture include this scene from Disney's "Aladdin."

Other works inspired by pop culture include this scene from Disney
A hamster summons the genie.      Beverly Borrill/Harcourt Hammies

In the scene, the hamster takes a magic carpet ride and summons a genie to grant his wishes ... more peanut butter, perhaps?

To get her hamsters to pose for the camera, she has a couple of foolproof tricks.

To get her hamsters to pose for the camera, she has a couple of foolproof tricks.
A hamster sweeps the floor.      Beverly Borrill/Harcourt Hammies

"There are two basic tricks," she said. "If you have a particular male hamster you want to pose then you want to put a female hamster where you want him to go because he'll sniff around and look for her all day long. If you got a female hamster you want in a particular pose then you get peanut butter out because they absolutely adore peanut butter."

But she also has to be ready to improvise.

But she also has to be ready to improvise.
A hamster in the kitchen.      Beverly Borrill/Harcourt Hammies

"Some [ideas] are really successful, and some you think are going to be successful don't turn out the way you want somehow," she said. Sometimes the hamsters will eat her props.

Given their sleep schedules, Borrill usually tries to create a scene at either dawn or dusk when they first wake up.

Borrill has even created scenes that relate to COVID-19.

Borrill has even created scenes that relate to COVID-19.
A hamster in hospital.      Beverly Borrill

Though she normally works on the models alone, the hospital scene she designed was a family affair.

"Those were a real family effort. Everyone got involved," she said. "My mom knitted the blankets for the bed. My daughter folded all the paper for the ventilators."

It took her four days to create this scene of a hamster working from home.

It took her four days to create this scene of a hamster working from home.
A hamster working from home.      Beverly Borrill/Harcourt Hammies

"I generally tend to work around the kitchen table, so the family can often be seen eating their dinner around a hospital scene or whatever it might be that's on the cards at the moment," she said.

Getting supplies for the scenes can be difficult during the pandemic ...

Getting supplies for the scenes can be difficult during the pandemic ...
A hamster at the supermarket.      Beverly Borrill/Harcourt Hammies

"The difficulty I have right now is getting to places to buy the things that I need to create the sets," Borrill said. "Sometimes you may need cardboard or that sort of stuff, then it's difficult to get to because non-essential shops are still closed. Fortunately we still have the internet, and good ol' Amazon shows up pretty much everyday to our house."

... but Borrill will also recycle her old models for supplies.

... but Borrill will also recycle her old models for supplies.
A hamster at graduation.      Beverly Borrill/Harcourt Hammies

Though she recycles and disposes of most models, mostly due to space concerns, there are a few she couldn't help holding onto.

"I kept a couple just because they were very lovely and I really enjoyed making them," she said.

Among her favorite scenes is a hamster maternity ward.

Among her favorite scenes is a hamster maternity ward.
A hamster in a crib.      Beverly Borrill/Harcourt Hammies

She enjoyed creating the maternity ward for hamsters because they were so tiny and cute.

Thousands of followers on social media also enjoy her creations.

Thousands of followers on social media also enjoy her creations.
A hamster finds a pot of gold.      Beverly Borrill/Harcourt Hammies

They enjoy her scenes like this hamster finding gold at the end of a rainbow.


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