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A photographer takes photos of dogs trying to catch treats, and the results will bring a smile to your face

A photographer takes photos of dogs trying to catch treats, and the results will bring a smile to your face
Jumping for joy.Vieler Photography
  • Photographer Christian Vieler specializes in capturing dogs in a moment of pure ecstasy: the moment they catch a treat.
  • These 15 photos are sure to bring a smile to your face.

Picture this: You're at a restaurant, and you can finally see your waiter on the way with your food. Imagine the look of joy and relief on your face.

Christian Vieler, a photographer, specializes in capturing that moment on film — but with your dog. Specifically, he manages to get the perfect shot of dogs trying to catch a treat.

Without further ado, here are 15 of the most hilarious photos Vieler has taken in his years of capturing "Dogs Catching Treats."

Christian Vieler is a photographer who specializes in the most wholesome field: He captures dogs catching treats.

Christian Vieler is a photographer who specializes in the most wholesome field: He captures dogs catching treats.
Pure happiness.      Courtesy of Vieler Photography

Vieler's been taking these photos since 2013.

Why? Because, according to Vieler, it "brings dogs even closer to our hearts."

Why? Because, according to Vieler, it "brings dogs even closer to our hearts."
That's a big dog.      Courtesy of Vieler Photography

Vieler's taken over 500 photos of dogs catching treats.

"In their faces, we recognize panic, joy, fear of loss, sheer desire and the peak of pleasure — this is great Hollywood-style cinema."

"In their faces, we recognize panic, joy, fear of loss, sheer desire and the peak of pleasure — this is great Hollywood-style cinema."
An overwhelming amount of treats.      Courtesy of Vieler Photography

We'd totally watch that movie.

They're definitely works of art.

Note the two different colored eyes.      Courtesy of Vieler Photography

This belongs in a museum.

Some of these pups are more focused on catching the treats ...

Some of these pups are more focused on catching the treats ...
The look of fierce determination.      Courtesy of Vieler Photography

This is a more stoic approach.

... while others are barely able to contain their joy.

... while others are barely able to contain their joy.
Heads up.      Courtesy of Vieler Photography

This almost looks like a cartoon.

Vieler says he stumbled upon the idea "by accident and chance."

Vieler says he stumbled upon the idea "by accident and chance."
Some competition.      Courtesy of Vieler Photography

Relax pups, there are plenty of treats to go around.

In 2013, he had bought himself a new camera and was testing the settings. He wanted his dog to move around, but she is "a very chilled Labrador" and wouldn't get up.

In 2013, he had bought himself a new camera and was testing the settings. He wanted his dog to move around, but she is "a very chilled Labrador" and wouldn
Big smiles.      Courtesy of Vieler Photography

"Chilled Labrador" this good boy is not.

"What gets a Lab better in motion than a treat? I started throwing and hit my camera button at the same time," he said. And photo magic was born.

"What gets a Lab better in motion than a treat? I started throwing and hit my camera button at the same time," he said. And photo magic was born.
Will he catch it?      Courtesy of Vieler Photography

Will he get his treat? The suspense is real.

Vieler figured out days later when he was cleaning out his hard drive how funny the photos ended up being.

Vieler figured out days later when he was cleaning out his hard drive how funny the photos ended up being.
Look at that smile.      Courtesy of Vieler Photography

And it all started just so Vieler could test the motion settings of his new camera.

And that's how "Dogs Catching Treats" was born.

And that
Grooming on point.      Courtesy of Vieler Photography

Another 10 out of 10 smile.

"I work with dogs every day. Photographing them is just the half of the work. To get good results, understanding and interacting with them is a very important part of my job."

"I work with dogs every day. Photographing them is just the half of the work. To get good results, understanding and interacting with them is a very important part of my job."
No distractions.      Courtesy of Vieler Photography

"The whole 'Treat' thing didn’t only bring me closer to dogs — dogs are my 24/7 life now," he continued.

"The whole
Treats, treats, and more treats.      Courtesy of Vieler Photography

This face just screams "YAY!"

Hanging out with dogs all day long, and bringing joy to people?

Hanging out with dogs all day long, and bringing joy to people?
Open wide.      Courtesy of Vieler Photography

If you want to try your hand at working with dogs all day, you can apply to become a "puptern."


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