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  4. A long-distance couple had 7 dates across 7 continents with a final penguin-themed proposal in Antarctica

A long-distance couple had 7 dates across 7 continents with a final penguin-themed proposal in Antarctica

A long-distance couple had 7 dates across 7 continents with a final penguin-themed proposal in Antarctica
Andy Austin and Chelsea Anderson in Antarctica.Andy Austin.
  • Andy Austin and Chelsea Anderson went on seven dates on seven continents over five years.
  • They dated in Morocco, the US, Norway, Australia, the Philippines, Peru, and Antarctica.

Five years ago, Andy Austin made a promise to his now-fiancé Chelsea Anderson to go on seven dates on seven continents.

Five years ago, Andy Austin made a promise to his now-fiancé Chelsea Anderson to go on seven dates on seven continents.
The couple in Baja, Mexico.      Andy Austin

Anderson told Insider she proposed the idea almost jokily over text in 2018 after meeting on a trip to Morocco with some friends. She didn't want to be in a relationship at the time and thought it would put a little break on things moving too quickly.

According to Austin, he freaked out and texted back: "I volunteer as tribute." It was the first time Chelsea had clearly expressed any romantic interest in him, he said.

She didn't know it yet, but the moment she suggested the concept, Austin knew he would propose to her on the seventh date in Antarctica, which took place in December 2022.

The first time they met was an unconventional one, Austin said.

The first time they met was an unconventional one, Austin said.
Chelsea Anderson in Marrakesh, Morocco.      Andy Austin.

Austin, a travel photographer who describes himself as a mountain man from Montana, said he had heard that Anderson, who was living in New York at the time, was joining a mutual friend on their group trip to Marrakesh in December 2017.

Austin said he had been a tour guide at Yellowstone National Park from 2014 to 2018, and hadn't always had the most positive experience with New Yorkers.

Austin had already been at the group's riad in Marrakesh, a traditional Moroccan house with an indoor garden, for a couple of hours when he heard a knock on the door.

He recalled opening the door to see Anderson, a veterinarian, standing alongside two suitcases. Behind her were a couple of men who had followed her and were demanding money, Austin said.

"Hi, nice to meet you," he said, before he pulled her inside and shut the door on the men, looked to Anderson, and said: "Welcome to Marrakesh."

Their first date was on that trip to Marrakesh, Morocco, in late December 2017.

Their first date was on that trip to Marrakesh, Morocco, in late December 2017.
Chelsea Anderson and Andy Austin alongside a friend in Morocco.      Andy Austin.

Their first date was accidental — most of the group wasn't scheduled to arrive until the next day and another friend showed up to their accommodation eight hours late, so Anderson and Austin decided to get dinner, they said.

They sat together at a romantic rooftop restaurant and learned about each other over a plate of tagine. It felt like a date, they said, though at the time they both didn't think of it that way.

"It kind of felt like a blind date, which I've never been on just because we didn't know each other at all. From the get-go it was, 'Just tell me about you,'" Anderson said.

They talked about their travel experiences and family, and thought that it was almost hilarious how similar their life experiences were. Anderson said she had come out of a long relationship and wasn't interested in dating. She thought Austin was great but closed the door on it and went back to New York.

Austin, however, did not close the door on it. He said he spent the next year sending her postcards of the places he visited, and even sending a care package to her dog.

After a year, Anderson said she thought she should probably give him a chance, so she flew out to Montana for their second date.

After a year, Anderson said she thought she should probably give him a chance, so she flew out to Montana for their second date.
Chelsea Anderson and Andy Austin in Yellowstone, Montana.      Andy Austin.

Austin said he planned an epic long weekend where they stayed in a cabin in Paradise Valley just outside of Yellowstone in November 2018.

They explored the area, Austin cooked an incredible steak dinner, and they had brunch with his friends, Anderson said.

During the second date, they began to fall in love, she added.

Before that reunion, they said they weren't sure if it was real as they'd only met once a year prior and had only chatted online since then.

But once they reunited, they knew it was real. "It's kind of like the butterflies of needing somebody new and getting to know them, everything was just amazing," Anderson said.

They had their first kiss on that trip, and after four fleeting days, Anderson said she went back to New York.

Austin sent her a letter confessing his love a month later and made her open it on FaceTime. She was a little apprehensive because she felt like it was early, but she trusted it and jumped in, she told Insider.

Talking about their plan to have seven dates on seven continents, they discussed whether to only see each other on a new continent each time but figured that was impossible — they'd miss each other too much, they said. They decided on aiming to meet every six to eight weeks, including in the US, on top of having a date on each continent.

Their third date was in the Lofoten Islands, Norway, in December 2018.

Their third date was in the Lofoten Islands, Norway, in December 2018.
Chelsea Anderson and Andy Austin wearing matching pajamas on a Norwegian beach.      Andy Austin.

Austin and Anderson said their international dates could last anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks.

Their European date, where they went 95 miles north of the Arctic Circle to the Lofoten Islands, lasted a week. They only had three to four hours of sunlight a day to enjoy the beautiful landscape, Austin told Insider.

Because it was mostly dark, there was a lot of time for them to get to know one another. They'd explore the island for a few hours, have a nice dinner, and then play games and watch movies, Austin said.

It's also where they began their tradition of matching outfits, which continued throughout their seven dates, as Austin had the idea of wearing matching pajamas on the beach.

It wasn't the beach vacation she pictured, Anderson said. Wearing just their pajamas, they ran down to the beach in the midst of a snow blizzard during a freezing Norwegian winter, where temperatures are typically 20-30 degrees Fahrenheit.

For their fourth date in March 2019, they went to Palawan, an island in the Philippines.

For their fourth date in March 2019, they went to Palawan, an island in the Philippines.
Chelsea Anderson and Andy Austin kayaking in the Philippines.      Andy Austin.

Their fourth eight-day-long date was a result of an overlap in travel plans, they said. Anderson had already planned a trip in that area, and Austin, who's a travel photographer, was in Southeast Asia already for a work trip.

Each time they met, their connection grew, but they said they especially felt it in Palawan. For this date, they spent a week in a remote resort on the north of the island.

It took a two-hour motorbike ride to get there, and once they arrived they were greeted with the most vibrant blue sea and pristine beaches. They said they stayed in a small cabin with no Wi-Fi signal and disconnected from the world.

Every trip was an opportunity to test how real their relationship was. "Is it just the butterflies of going to a new place and being there with somebody that you do like, but is there more depth to it?" Anderson said, adding that each trip proved that their love was getting deeper.

For their fifth date, they met in Australia in November 2019.

For their fifth date, they met in Australia in November 2019.
Chelsea Anderson and Andy Austin wearing matching outfits in Australia.      Andy Austin.

Anderson said she had gotten rid of her apartment in New York and quit her job after her dog died, which was the last thing tying her down to the city. In October 2019, she decided to do a nearly year-long volunteering trip to do veterinary work.

According to her Instagram, she had just finished working in Rarotonga in the Cook Islands at the beginning of November 2019, where she volunteered at the Te Are Manu Veterinary Clinic.

Austin said he decided to meet her nearby, so they both flew to Australia later that November, where they set off on a 10-day-long adventure of brunching and going to coffee shops.

What was especially memorable for them was doing a sunrise hike together in Byron Bay, the most eastern point of Australia.

Unfortunately, the pandemic halted their continental date plans early.

Unfortunately, the pandemic halted their continental date plans early.
Chelsea Anderson and Andy Austin standing by Austin's parents' motor home in Montana.      Andy Austin.

The plan was for the pair to meet again in Southeast Asia in March 2020 and travel through India, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand for two months, Andy told Insider.

Once they arrived in India, it started off well, but they soon found themselves rushing from country to country as the borders were closing, they said. Once they reached Laos later that March, they decided to fly back home.

Anderson said they ended up quarantining in Austin's parents' motor home in Montana in late March 2020.

Being together in a cramped space was difficult, but Anderson said she really appreciated the support from her partner. "'We'll figure it out.' I think he said that a lot," she told Insider.

"And to have somebody say that when you're struggling a little bit or you just are unsure is really reassuring," she added.

During their quarantine, they booked a $250 round-trip deal to Santiago, Chile, for November 2020. For Austin, it was soothing to have something to look forward to. For Anderson, it was "Hail Mary escapism."

They planned to go to Antarctica straight after Chile. However, the Chile trip got canceled twice, both in 2020 and 2021, due to travel restrictions. The Antarctica trip was also canceled four times, they told Insider. It was originally planned for November 2020, but got canceled in March 2021, November 2021, and March 2022.

Due to travel restrictions, they eventually went on their sixth international date in Peru, South America, in November 2021.

Due to travel restrictions, they eventually went on their sixth international date in Peru, South America, in November 2021.
Chelsea Anderson and Andy Austin in Peru.      Andy Austin.

They spent 18 days trekking in Peru through beautiful mountainous landscapes, with few tourists to be seen, Austin said.

A highlight was camping at the base of Salcantay Mountain at 16,000 feet, Anderson told Insider. They hardly slept thanks to the altitude, but being surrounded by mountains was breathtaking.

Finally, in December 2022, they made it to Antarctica.

Finally, in December 2022, they made it to Antarctica.
Chelsea Anderson and Andy Austin finally made it to Antarctica for their seventh date in December 2022.      Andy Austin.

The pair had already visited six continents by themselves, but neither had ever been to Antarctica.

Austin said he had already bought an engagement ring in August 2020, as he knew he'd need it if their original travel plans had gone ahead. In September 2020, he flew to Connecticut to ask Anderson's dad for permission.

Thanks to four trip cancelations, the ring was sitting in a box for two years, he said.

"Of course, we couldn't talk about the fact that we wanted to get married or get engaged in Antarctica because that's supposed to be a surprise, but we both kind of knew," Austin said.

Austin said he was excited but not nervous, as it was something he'd planned to do for a while. During the two-day crossing of the Drake Passage by ship, he had a lot of time to think about the perfect moment.

He wanted it to be on the actual continent of Antarctica rather than the journey, which luckily happened to be on their first day, he said. He also knew it had to be an isolated location, he said, as she's not the type of person to propose to in a crowded space.

On their first morning in Antarctica, they visited a penguin colony. Austin spotted an area that was quite isolated, as all the passengers were busy looking at the penguins.

On their first morning in Antarctica, they visited a penguin colony. Austin spotted an area that was quite isolated, as all the passengers were busy looking at the penguins.
On the left, Andy Austin proposing to Chelsea Anderson. On the right, the ring inside the rock.      Andy Austin.

"Perfect. If I can get her to come back to the spot, this is a little bit away from everybody. It's a little isolated. It's behind a little hill and nobody can see us," Austin thought while they were at the penguin colony.

Austin asked to take a picture together, but she was reluctant. He basically had to drag her kicking and screaming away from the penguins, he told Insider.

"We've waited three years to get here. We spent two days in a boat, locked in our room, and we're finally with the penguins. I'm obsessed. I was like, 'Absolutely not. I'm here. I want to watch these penguins. I'm not going over there'" she said.

After finally getting her in front of the tripod to take a picture, he went down on one knee and said: "I think this is as private as it's going to get. Will you marry me?"

He opened a pebble to reveal a ring, to symbolize the way penguins propose to their mates, he said.

Gentoo penguins give the nicest pebble to a partner to symbolize their relationship, and then they use the pebble in a nest for their future kids, according to BBC Earth.

On their second date in Montana, Austin said he had given her a pebble with this notion in mind, and in Antarctica, he brought it to life.

Anderson said she was excited but not surprised by the proposal, and said yes. They both said they felt so much relief. It was the perfect cap on the seven-date experience, Austin told Insider.

They both plan on eloping and then throwing a big party afterward.

They both plan on eloping and then throwing a big party afterward.
Chelsea Anderson and Andy Austin wearing matching penguin suits whilst doing the polar plunge in Antarctica.      Andy Austin.

They currently have a big trip planned where they're going to try and finish their Southeast Asia trip that was canceled because of the pandemic. For a month in March, they plan on visiting Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand, Andy said.

They aren't certain about their wedding plans just yet, they said, but have a list of honeymoon ideas.

Because of the outdoor activities and hiking opportunities, New Zealand and Iceland are high up on their list, Austin told Insider.

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