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  4. A cult leader was imprisoned in Russia for promising mothers he could resurrect their massacred children. 13 years later, his 'cheat codes for the universe' became a TikTok obsession.

A cult leader was imprisoned in Russia for promising mothers he could resurrect their massacred children. 13 years later, his 'cheat codes for the universe' became a TikTok obsession.

Mia Jankowicz   

A cult leader was imprisoned in Russia for promising mothers he could resurrect their massacred children. 13 years later, his 'cheat codes for the universe' became a TikTok obsession.
  • Reciting "Grabovoi numbers" has became a spirituality trend sweeping TikTok.
  • The pseudoscience originates with Grigory Grabovoi, a cult leader who was convicted of fraud in 2008.
  • The trend shows how social media can provide new paths for the spread of old misinformation.

@kai.metal.billy said he turned a $700 crypto investment into $25,000 within two days. @victoriagross said her dad transferred her more money than expected. @soulfulxistence said she found $20 in her car.

It looked like everyone was getting lucky. But they weren't calling it luck.

Like thousands of TikTokers, they were putting their good fortune down to Grabovoi codes, or Grabovoi numbers - a pseudoscience based around seemingly random strings of numbers.

Some called them "cheat codes for the universe."

The sequences supposedly "create a frequency at the vibratory and energetic level to positively affect situations and structures that are part of our lives," Edilma Angel Moyano, a self-styled Grabovoi follower, said in a 2018 book about the codes. The science behind this is - to say the least - unclear.

There are codes for "unexpected money" (5207418898, per Moyano), good skin (55942833), weight loss (55942833), and even a formula for protection from mosquitoes (55942833 combined with 694713). And yes, there's one for eternal life.

Like many TikTok trends, it's fun, and costs nothing to try. But it's the brainchild of a man with a dark history.

Who is Grigory Grabovoi?

Grigory Grabovoi is a Kazakh faith healer who rose to prominence amid the complex politics of post-Cold War Russia.

Some 17 years before his "codes" became a TikTok trend, Grabovoi and his followers were, prosecutors said, promising grieving mothers he could resurrect their children for a fee of $1,200. (Grabovoi denied charging money, reported Rapsi, a Russian legal news site.)

According to his website, Grabovoi graduated as a mathematician in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in 1986, and quickly put together a busy résumé. It included selling services in "extrasensory diagnostics" to Uzbekistan's national airline, where he claimed to correctly predict the engineering issues of 360 flights.

This appeared impressive in Boris Yeltsin's Russia. There were press reports of the then-president charging Grabovoi with keeping his plane in the air through telekinesis by the late 1990s, Eduard Kruglyakov, the head of the country's Commission on Pseudoscience, told the Regnum news agency in 2005.

Grabovoi's website lists dozens of memberships and accolades from international bodies and holy men between 1997 and 2006.

Many of those were likely falsified, Kruglyakov told Regnum, noting that the Higher Attestation Commission - Russia's academic-accreditation service - said Grabovoi was "neither a doctor of science nor a professor."

Grabovoi told Insider in an email that his qualifications were genuine.

Other accomplishments appear inflated, such as the claim that he was "elected" to the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) in 1998, an organization where anyone can become a member for $135 in dues. A spokesperson for NYAS confirmed there is no election process for membership.

As Grabovoi's so-called accreditations grew, so did his ego. He set up several namesake organizations, including the Teachings of GP Grabovoi sect and the Grigori Grabovoi Doo company. Some of his followers also set up initiatives including the nonprofit Grabovoi Foundation, and a "church" of Grabovoi registered in Erie County, New York.

In 2004, a video on YouTube showed a clean-shaven, suited man saying: "I, Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi, born on November 14, 1963, in the village of Kirovskiy, Bagara, in the Shimkent region of Kazakhstan, announce that, I, Grigory Grabovoi, am the second coming of Jesus Christ."

Promising to raise the dead

That same year, a gang of armed Chechen separatists laid siege to a school in the town of Beslan, North Ossetia. The bloodbath that ensued killed around 330 people - 186 of them children.

In the aftermath, Grabovoi built a following around himself with bereaved mothers.

The Russian tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda reported in 2005 that Gravoboi was promising he could resurrect their children for a fee of around 1,000 euros ($1,200) per person.

Grabovoi denied charging money. But the report led to his 2008 conviction for fraud, for which he was eventually imprisoned until 2010.

A nation newly in love with spiritualism

To Grabovoi's followers, the fact that top Russian institutions initially embraced Grabovoi shows he is the real deal.

But as the psychologist and former Soviet faith healer Inna Kanevsky said, it was more a symptom of a nationwide love affair with pseudoscience and spiritualism that followed the Soviet Union's fall.

The obsession was a backlash against the former regime's rigid anti-religious, Marxist materialism, and an antidote to the country's crumbling infrastructure, she said.

"This was just a universal craze. We were all believers, no matter how science minded," she told Insider.

"Soviet medicine was falling apart at the time, everything was falling apart ... And these people were promising you something."

So it made sense, Kanevsky said, that the grieving mothers of Beslan were attracted to a man who said he could resurrect their children.

Grabovoi did not respond to most of a detailed list of questions sent by Insider, focusing only the legitimacy of his qualifications.

But Luigi Stefano Candela, who runs the nonprofit Grabovoi Foundation, offered Insider a long response defending Grabovoi, which he said came from his office.

Candela told Insider that he believes Grabovoi's conviction was a setup, made with tampered evidence and false reporting.

(In a 2014 investigation by Vocativ, the Komsomolskaya Pravda reporter Vladimir Vorsobin stood by his story, saying he even had a receipt for the cash he paid for the so-called "resurrection.")

Candela also described Grabovoi's trial as an example of "political targeting." Reports in the opposition-friendly newspaper Novaya Gazeta written during the trial acknowledged the possibility that President Vladimir Putin - who appeared to initially embrace Grabovoi - turned on him when, in 2004, the healer said he intended to run for president. But that theory has remained just that - a theory.

In 2016, the European Court of Human Rights ordered the Russian government to pay Grabovoi $2,800 in compensation on the grounds that his pretrial detention, which stretched out for two years, was illegal. Russia's Supreme Court annulled multiple rulings on his pretrial detention.

In an attempt to demonstrate Grabovoi's innocence of fraud, Candela pointed Insider to a 2018 press conference by Mikhail Trepashkin, a Russian lawyer and former KGB agent.

Trepashkin argued at the conference that the Supreme Court's annulment also applied to Grabovoi's fraud conviction. Insider has been unable to independently confirm this.

Manifesting on TikTok

That's all a long way from the London home of 20-year-old student Joy Thompson, who runs the @pillaroflighttarot TikTok account.

Thompson posts about spirituality and tarot and, in her corner of TikTok, Grabovoi codes slot neatly into the trend of "manifesting."

As Insider's Kelsie Sandoval reported, manifesting is the practice of attempting to make desires and beliefs turn into reality with positive thinking. (Experts say positive thinking has to be accompanied by action to have any effect.)

When Thompson first saw posts about Grabovoi codes in early March, she was instantly excited.

"I was like, 'oh my God, yeah, I love this,'" she told Insider. At that time there was no mention of fraud, massacres, or second comings.

She said she remembers thinking at the time: "I don't know if it's manifestation, a placebo, you know, but I'm going to make TikToks about this. This is amazing. It works, it's a trend. It would be great for my channel."

That's as far as her research went, she said. But as interest peaked - Gizmodo noted 56 million views of the hashtag #GrabovoiCode by early May - users like @daddyspiderlashes found and shared the history of Grabovoi's fraud case, raising concerns about antisemitism in the process.

(One method of using Grabovoi numbers is to write them on one's arm, which critics say makes a mockery of Holocaust victims, who were tattooed with numbers. Candela of the Grabovoi Foundation told Insider the arm-writing has no basis in Grabovoi's teachings.)

In light of the discovery, Thompson quickly changed course, saying she made no endorsement of Grabovoi himself and reframing the method as "angel numbers" or "manifestation codes."

From post-Soviet Russia to TikTok

In TikTok's fast-paced For You Page, information is presented with little context or background, and Thompson told Insider she regretted not digging a bit deeper before posting about Grabovoi numbers.

"All that came up was the spiritual side of it," she said.

Besides, vetting misinformation on TikTok is not easy, as Kanesvky has found. The psychologist previously told Insider's Connor Perrett that she regularly receives backlash for her debunking posts, and has largely given up using the in-app reporting feature to flag misinformation.

A spokesperson for TikTok told Insider that posting Grabovoi numbers does not meet its community guidelines for misinformation. That definition is reserved for posts that incite hate, violence, panic, undermines elections, present a health hazard, or involve digital forgeries.

Grabovoi numbers have spread across multiple social media platforms. But for Kanevsky, TikTok's laser-focused algorithm, coupled with its deep sense of community, can make it particularly difficult for balanced information to come through.

TikTok has "this richness of experience," Kanevsky said, "but it also seems tailored to who you are."

As for Grabovoi's new existence on social media, Candela of the Grabovoi Foundation is delighted. "I created a TikTok account some days ago," he told Insider last month.

"Grabovoi told me: 'You have to be on TikTok!'"


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