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A couple matched on Hinge and unexpectedly had their first date on a Delta flight. After 2 years of wild adventures, they got engaged in Greece.

Maria Noyen   

A couple matched on Hinge and unexpectedly had their first date on a Delta flight. After 2 years of wild adventures, they got engaged in Greece.
  • Love and Wanderlust is an Insider holiday romance series where people who found love traveling tell their stories.
  • Here, a couple who crossed paths on Hinge unexpectedly had their first date on a Delta flight.

LaGuardia Airport is hardly a romantic destination — but for at least one couple, it's where their love story began.

Though they'd never met IRL, Austin Puckett, 31, and Madison Kinsella, 30, were not total strangers when they caught each other's eye at LaGuardia, waiting to board a Delta flight to Denver, Colorada in January 2022.

You see, Kinsella, a documentary filmmaker, and Puckett, a software and hardware engineer manager, matched on the dating app Hinge. After exchanging a few messages, they made loose plans to meet up.

The only thing getting in the way of them meeting sooner was that both were coincidentally heading out of town for a few days. Neither had said where, so little did they know the journey to their destination was identical.

"I look over and I'm like, 'No way. Absolutely, no way,'" Puckett told Insider, recalling when he saw Kinsella at the airport. "There's something about this girl that I recognize, but no way."

Meanwhile, Kinsella, who swears she saw Puckett first, said she recognized him instantly, even though he wore a face mask. "I look up and notice this guy who's tall and cute," she said. "And I'm just like, 'That would be crazy.'"

But if you thought it sounded like a scene out of your favorite romantic comedy, think again because Kinsella wasn't exactly thrilled at the prospect of bumping into her Hinge date at the airport.

"Let's be very clear, I was freaking out," she said. "I had whitening strips on my teeth, and I had broken out in a few spots, so I had pimple patches on little spots."

For a split second, she worried what Puckett would think of her.

"And then I thought, "If he doesn't like me like this, this is what I look like a good chunk of the time,'" she said. "So we're gonna find out real quick if he's a keeper or a dud.'

Their first date took place in economy on a Delta flight

It's safe to say Puckett was far from a dud.

Though neither approached the other at the gate, Kinsella decided to shoot her shot and text Puckett after seeing him board early in first class.

"Long shot, are you boarding this flight to Denver right now?" Kinsella wrote. "You've got to be kidding me," Puckett responded.

Soon after, they discovered they were not only on the same flight but had the same plans for the weekend in Colorado, including skiing and attending Winter on the Rocks, a music festival headlined by Diplo.

As fate would have it, Kinsella discovered she had a free seat next to her once she boarded, so decided to retake the lead by inviting Puckett to join her midway through the flight.

From years of dating experience in NYC, Kinsella was done waiting for a guy to make the first move.

"Let this be an invitation. And if he's smart, he'll take it," she said.

Over text, Kinsella oozed confidence, but the reality was that she was so nervous that she passed a note to strangers seated in front of her in premium economy asking if she could give them cash to buy her a bottle of red wine.

"I was like, 'Listen, this sounds crazy. I know this is weird, but I'm about to have a first date, and I am freaking out,'" she said.

Thankfully, they obliged. Not only did Kinsella use the wine for liquid courage, but since her makeup was stored away in her luggage, she said she dipped her fingers into the glass in a desperate attempt to DIY some blush.

"It didn't work at all," she added, laughing.

Two hours later, Puckett made his way down to economy. Bottle of wine in tow, he squeezed into the middle seat next to Kinsella.

He was nervous too, he said, but intrigued to see where the experience would lead.

"If anything, this will be a funny story we tell our friends," he said.

On their second date, Kinsella and Puckett put their cards on the table

Kinsella and Puckett like to refer to that flight as their first date.

Before returning to New York, they saw each other several times in Colorado, including at the music festival, which was a pleasant surprise. "Finding people at a concert is a miracle, even if they're your friends," Puckett said.

Once they got back to New York, the pair planned to meet for a proper date. The night started with a comedy show and ended with drinks back at Kinsella's apartment, where they said they spent hours talking about everything from their pasts to their plans for the future.

Without intending to, they said they put their cards on the table.

"It felt as though, without realizing, that we both were kind of sharing like, 'These are the things you need to know about me,'" Kinsella said.

For her part, Kinsella wanted Puckett to know how dedicated she was to her career at this stage in her life. She said that her ambitions to shoot documentaries around the world caused friction in past relationships where she felt like she had to impose limits on herself to appease others.

She told Insider she immediately knew it was different with Puckett: "Based off of Austin's reaction to what I was sharing with him, all the ideas I had for film and directing, he was just constantly like, 'Oh, that's amazing.'"

And for his part, Puckett wanted to be transparent about his romantic history and the fact he'd previously been engaged.

"I'd been in situations where it had maybe taken longer to come up, and then that had kinda been the end," Puckett said. "So I was like, "I don't wanna waste your time if this is a dealbreaker for you.'"

With Kinsella, it wasn't.

Puckett and Kinsella's love of adventure never stopped

Early into their relationship, it became clear that Puckett and Kinsella shared a love of adventure and traveled well together.

For their first adventure as a couple, they went on a road trip to Vermont where, looking back, nearly everything that could go wrong did go wrong.

"We quickly found out that we would survive the desert island test together," Puckett said.

On the drive out from New York, they accidentally rear-ended the car of an FBI agent — Kinsella, whose idea it was to go on the trip in the first place, was in the driving seat.

The damage was minimal, a "New York love tap," but they said the agent was not happy with the situation nonetheless.

Kinsella panicked but noticed that Puckett remained as calm as ever.

"Austin's like, 'I got this.' He just goes over and talks to him, and basically we had to fill out a small piece of paper of what happened, and that was it," she said.

Although they got past that first speed bump, things turned for the worse yet again when they arrived at the ski resort hotel in Vermont, where Kinsella discovered she reserved a room for the wrong dates. The hotel was booked solid, but they were allowed to stay one night.

"I was so embarrassed," Kinsella said. "I was like, 'I have to fix this.'"

After rejoicing at finally finding another hotel the next day, Kinsella said she fell down a flight of stairs at a restaurant while trying to pull out allergy medication from her coat.

"I was fine, but it was just like one embarrassing thing after the next on this trip," she said.

"It's one of those few moments in my life that if I had slow-mo and I could replay it, I would," Puckett said. "She's falling backwards, laughing, pills are flying through the air."

As unfortunate as their Vermont vacation was, it ultimately proved how compatible they were as a couple.

"We had a few wild run-ins that really proved that," Kinsella said. "I remember telling my mom and she was like, 'Well, if he sticks around after this, he likes you.'"

Two years later, Puckett proposed to Kinsella in Greece

At the time of their initial interview with Insider, Kinsella had zero clue Puckett was in the midst of planning to propose to her during an upcoming trip to Greece in August 2023, which he revealed in secret to Insider.

Puckett said he realized that not only had he found his best friend and confidant, but someone he could get through all of life's ups and downs in "a way that never left either of us feeling less than."

"Dating in your late twenties is hard," he said. "With Maddy, I always felt at ease and like we were just two pieces of an unknown puzzle that was just getting started."

Addressing Kinsella directly, Puckett added: "From a first date at 30,000 feet to falling down on the slopes of Hennu Stall, hangry tiffs on hikes through Cinque Terre and the rocky beaches of Greece, we've kept our promise of no dull moments alive. You have made me a better man, partner, and friend since we met."

"No matter where we go, I'm excited for the journey with you," he said. "The destination never really mattered anyway."
