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A bride who spent $100 on her wedding wore a $20 dress and went barefoot to her outdoor ceremony

Sama Ansari Pour   

A bride who spent $100 on her wedding wore a $20 dress and went barefoot to her outdoor ceremony
Elle Pothier Simon and Carson Simon on their wedding day in Glen Canyon, Arizona.Elle Pothier Simon.
  • Elle Pothier Simon and Carson Simon had a $100 wedding in 2020 that recently went viral on TikTok.
  • After getting his license online, Elle's grandfather married them in Glen Canyon, Arizona.

Elle Pothier Simon and Carson Simon had a $100 wedding in April 2020 surrounded by nature in Glen Canyon, Arizona.

Elle Pothier Simon and Carson Simon had a $100 wedding in April 2020 surrounded by nature in Glen Canyon, Arizona.
Elle Pothier Simon and Carson Simon on their wedding day in Glen Canyon, Arizona.      Elle Pothier Simon.

Elle told Insider they first met in school in Hawaii in 2018, when Elle was 20 and Carson was 22. After a year-and-a-half of dating, Carson surprised Elle by proposing on her rooftop, decorated with lights, that looked over the ocean.

Her dad was traveling at the time and had a layover in Hawaii, so they were able to share that special time with him, she added.

Elle, now 24, said she knew Carson, 26, was the one when she finally felt at ease with herself. She had always stressed about finding someone to spend the rest of her life with, but once she met him, she was confident and calm, she said.

Originally, they wanted to have a big wedding in Hawaii, as Elle thought if her loved ones were coming all the way from Arizona, Idaho, and Utah, they might as well make it big.

But once the COVID-19 pandemic started in early 2020, they decided to go back to their families. Elle went back to Phoenix, Arizona, and Carson went to Salt Lake City, Utah.

They said they still wanted to get married despite the circumstances and set out on planning a wedding, which recently went viral on TikTok. Since Elle posted her wedding photos on January 20, they've gained over 2.7 million views.

They had an outdoor ceremony in the desert in Glen Canyon, Arizona.

They had an outdoor ceremony in the desert in Glen Canyon, Arizona.
Elle and Carson being married by Elle's grandfather, surrounded by their family.      Elle Pothier Simon.

Finding a date was a casual affair, they said, with one day being turned down because Carson had a dentist appointment that morning. They finally decided on April 9, 2020.

The couple searched for a pretty location on Google Maps, and settled on Glen Canyon, Utah. It was also a halfway point for both families, making it more accessible for everyone.

They said they were unaware of any permits or fees required for their small group and just showed up to do the ceremony, which lasted a couple of hours. However, they said their location choice wasn't down to budget, but because they love being in nature.

The couple were hoping to have their extended family there, Elle said, but due to COVID-19 restrictions, it was a small wedding with 16 guests, which they said was perfect for them. Elle said they were social distancing at the time and guests had also tested negative for COVID before the ceremony.

Elle and Carson said they were still excited to have their immediate family and grandparents with them at their smaller wedding, which ultimately felt more intimate and special.

Elle and Carson said they were still excited to have their immediate family and grandparents with them at their smaller wedding, which ultimately felt more intimate and special.
Elle's grandparents wearing masks at the ceremony.      Elle Pothier.

Elle and Carson said alongside making sure guests tested negative for COVID beforehand, they stayed at least 10 feet away from people they didn't live with as an extra precaution. Masks were also worn, she told Insider.

And despite having a much smaller ceremony than they'd originally planned, it was still perfect, she said.

"I think it's just important to spend time with the people that really love you and know you the best," Elle said. "We really got to focus on them instead of trying to see a bunch of people and make sure that they were having fun or feeling good about the wedding."

Wedding guests took their own photos on disposable film cameras.

Wedding guests took their own photos on disposable film cameras.
Elle and a loved one taking a selfie on her wedding day.      Elle Pothier Simon.

No matter how big or small the wedding was going to be, Elle said she knew she wanted to have disposable film cameras at her wedding.

She gave everyone at the ceremony a disposable camera and loved the outcome because there were so many spontaneous photos taken that she wouldn't have planned, like those of people sitting on the rocks watching them get married.

"It was so pretty because I love film. I think it shows colors so well through the lens and then through the picture printed later. When I got them back, I was just in love. It was so fun to look through," she said.

Elle said she bought her wedding dress for $20 from Target.

Elle said she bought her wedding dress for $20 from Target.
Elle's veil and dress.      Elle Pothier Simon.

Elle said she had already started to design a dress with someone, but a week before the wedding, a long white dress for $20 in Target caught her eye. The dress was loose, with short puffed sleeves and a scoop neckline.

"I kind of just found it and thought it was fun, didn't think too much about it, just did it on a whim and was like, 'This will definitely work,'" Elle said.

She said she borrowed a veil from a friend who regularly goes thrifting and often finds wedding dresses and veils.

Elle decided not to wear shoes to the ceremony because it was authentic to who she was.

Elle decided not to wear shoes to the ceremony because it was authentic to who she was.
Elle went barefoot to her wedding ceremony.      Elle Pothier Simon.

Growing up, Elle said she didn't wear shoes a lot, which often didn't please her parents. Once she moved to Hawaii, she saw that a lot of people also didn't wear shoes there either, so she continued her habit and sometimes didn't even wear them in stores.

She said she thought it'd be fun to do the same for her wedding. She also didn't have a pair of shoes she liked very much, and felt that not wearing them better expressed her personality.

She picked most of her flowers from the roadside on the way to the ceremony.

She picked most of her flowers from the roadside on the way to the ceremony.
The bride holding her bouquet of flowers.      Elle Pothier Simon.

During the four-hour drive from her parent's house in Phoenix, Arizona, to her wedding location, Elle's mom mentioned she had some flowers from Trader Joe's in the trunk, and that she could use them as a bouquet.

They decided to pick the rest from the side of the road, Elle said. They were sure they'd be pretty, but as they continued their drive they couldn't see any flowers or wildlife.

Eventually, they spotted some. They created a bouquet out of purple flowers, a plant that resembled wheat, and long green grass-like stalks, Elle said.

"Honestly, we just found what we found and it ended up working really cute together. I loved the purple pop," the bride said.

Elle got ready on the car ride to Glen Canyon, with help from her sisters.

Elle got ready on the car ride to Glen Canyon, with help from her sisters.
Elle and her sisters.      Elle Pothier Simon.

Elle said she changed into her wedding dress in the car when Carson, her mom, and sisters went to double-check if the Glen Canyon spot they'd decided on was wedding-worthy. The bride and groom also had their first look in the car, she added.

She told Insider she changed into her regular clothes for a picnic, and then back into the dress for the ceremony.

Elle said she has a really close relationship with her three younger sisters, and had them do her hair and makeup as she's not so good at it.

It turned out to be one of Elle's favorite parts of the day. Elle said her sisters were so excited because she was the first one to get married.

She added that she loved hanging out with them in the car, and having a bachelorette party of sorts. She felt like it further connected them as sisters, and made the whole day more intimate and meaningful.

Elle, Carson, and their guests had a pre-wedding picnic in nearby Page, Arizona.

Elle, Carson, and their guests had a pre-wedding picnic in nearby Page, Arizona.
The picnic area at a mutual friend's backyard in Page, Arizona.      Elle Pothier Simon.

Elle said once her mom's friend heard she was having a wedding, she insisted on putting together a bunch of little meals for them. She went above and beyond, even adding E+C stickers to the sandwiches.

Elle and Carson decided to have a pre-wedding picnic with the food as a result, which they said wouldn't have happened without that act of kindness.

Her mom also had a friend in nearby Page, Arizona, so they brought the food and had the picnic in her backyard before the ceremony, Elle told Insider.

The picnic was a beautiful bonding experience for both families, Elle said. Although both families had met one another, they didn't know each other very well. Family members took that time to get to know each other, and shared stories about Carson and Elle growing up, their love story, and their journey to getting married.

"It just made the day even more perfect, because everyone got to know each other a little bit more," she said.

Elle's grandfather married them after getting his license online.

Elle's grandfather marrying the couple.      Elle Pothier Simon.

When Carson and Elle asked her grandfather, Richard Eyre, to marry them, he was so excited. He's obsessed with his grandkids and loves being involved, Elle said.

The ceremony was perfect, she said. Eyre said everything beautifully and connected everything from the nature that they were in, to their wedding and how he knew them individually.

For Elle and Carson, being married by someone who loves them and knows them well made the day even more special.

They celebrated their wedding a year later with an '80s prom party, where Elle wore her mom's wedding dress.

They celebrated their wedding a year later with an
Elle and Carson at their '80s prom party.      Elle Pothier Simon.

They said they celebrated a second time because they wanted a dance party, but also because some family members and friends weren't able to attend the Glen Canyon wedding due to COVID restrictions at the time.

The party, which was held at Elle's parents' house, was a little over a year later in November 2021. Because it had been a while since the wedding, they didn't want the spotlight.

"We already had our wedding and it was so beautiful. We kind of just wanted something to be separate," Elle said.

This time, Elle wore her mom's wedding dress.

"She got married in the early nineties, but I was like, it'll do for an eighties prom," Elle said.

They pinned the bottom of the dress to make it puffier and shorter, as her mom had a long train before. She had '80s-style hair and makeup to complete the look.

"I had that connection to my mom because she is one of my best friends. She was so excited about me wearing her dress too," Elle said.

The party finished with everyone dressed in '80s costumes, dancing the night away to '80s music.

After their wedding photos recently went viral on TikTok, Elle said one of the most common comments was from people wishing to have a similar wedding.

After their wedding photos recently went viral on TikTok, Elle said one of the most common comments was from people wishing to have a similar wedding.
Elle and Carson on their wedding day.      Elle Pothier Simon

Elle and Carson said their $100 budget mainly paid for the wedding dress, gas for the car, disposable cameras, and Elle's grandpa's wedding license.

What was most important to them was to get married with their family members nearby, they said.

When asked if she would change anything, Elle said: "I wish that a little bit more of my husband's family could have come just because they were farther away."

"But other than that, I was so happy. I wouldn't change anything," she added.

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