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7 of the most annoying things tourists do at Disney World and how to fix them

7 of the most annoying things tourists do at Disney World — and how to fix them
I've been going to Disney World for over 20 years. Timothy Moore
  • When visiting Disney World, there are simple park etiquette rules I think everyone should follow.
  • Listen to park employees when they tell you to do (or not do) something and be polite.

Disney World offers a magical escape from the real world. But that doesn't mean you should let manners fly out the window.

As a theme-park enthusiast and Disney World annual passholder who's been visiting for over 20 years, I've seen my fair share of poor behavior (mostly from adults).

A little park etiquette goes a long way in making a pleasant experience for yourself, the people around you, and the employees.

Here are some of the most annoying things tourists do at Disney World — and what you should do instead.

Don’t push forward in line to catch up to your party.

Don’t push forward in line to catch up to your party.
Everyone is trying to get to the same place when they're waiting in line.      Timothy Moore

If you have someone in your party far up ahead in line for a ride, you may be tempted to push forward. But even if you do it politely, that's cutting.

This practice has become increasingly popular in recent years — and increasingly annoying for those of us patiently waiting our turn.

Either ask an employee how you can reconnect with your group, or better yet, text or call your group and ask them to step aside and wait until you catch up.

But the best solution to avoiding this altogether is just not entering a line until your whole party is together.

Put your phone away.

Put your phone away.
When you're distracted on your phone, you can cause further chaos in a large crowd.      Timothy Moore

Please don't try to walk down crowded paths while texting. Keep your eyes up.

Additionally, we all pay a lot of money to experience Disney World attractions — so put the phone away and actually experience them.

Having your phone out, particularly during dark rides, is distracting to other guests. And for the love of all that is holy, you don't need to FaceTime a friend to show them a ride.

Need some time to catch up on work emails or text your friend? Do it while in line or on the monorail, not during the farm scene of Living With the Land or amid the cannon fire of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Don’t block people's views during the fireworks.

Don’t block people
It's extremely annoying when someone's phone is blocking your view of the fireworks.      Timothy Moore

The nightly fireworks are another time you absolutely don't need to be on your phone.

Disney fireworks are magical. But even the latest smartphones can't capture the nuances. Instead, I recommend just living in the moment and keeping those phones away.

Besides, hoisting your phone high in the air to capture the fireworks can distract the people surrounding you.

It's not just phones, though. Throwing a kid on your shoulders at the last moment isn't fair to the people behind you whose views are suddenly blocked.

If you have a little one and you're worried about their view, arrive early to get a spot up front, or grab a spot against a wall where you won't block anyone behind you.

Don’t just stop in the middle of a walkway.

Don’t just stop in the middle of a walkway.
The parks are usually very crowded, so you have to be aware of your surroundings.      Timothy Moore

Disney World can be confusing, I get it. I know you may need to look at your phone to reference the park map, check your Lightning Lane time, or place a mobile food order.

But under no circumstance should you stop in the middle of the walkway to check a notification, grab something from a bag or stroller, or take a selfie with your Dole Whip.

Be aware of your surroundings before stopping. Chances are, people are behind you and eager to get where they're going. It's a nice gesture to step aside — and it will result in fewer trips and bumps.

If you're enjoying the parks in a large group, please do not walk more than two or three people across.

Everyone in your group can chat when you sit down for a meal. Leisurely walking with multiple people in a row can make it harder for people to get around you, especially in crowded areas of the parks.

Be respectful during preshows and waiting periods.

Be respectful during preshows and waiting periods.
Parade times can be hectic, so don't make things worse by pushing and shoving.      Timothy Moore

You may have ridden the Tower of Terror a hundred times, but for some, it's their first time in the famous elevator shaft. Don't spoil the experience by talking loudly through the preshow.

I also implore you not to force yourself to the front of the pack as a preshow is wrapping up. For those of us actually watching, this can be really distracting.

The preshow is part of the experience. Watch it, enjoy it, and trust that you'll make it to the next part of the ride in no time — no thrown elbows necessary.

This same advice goes for waiting for parades and shows as well.

Listen to the employees who are telling you where you can and can't stand, and don't try to slip in and shove past everyone.

Walk, don’t run.

Walk, don’t run.
Safety is a top priority at Disney World, so follow the rules the employees tell you.      Timothy Moore

It might feel like park employees have lots of rules: "Please keep off of the rails," "Fill in all available space," "Please walk."

Rest assured, they have a lot of these rules to prioritize safety and efficiency in the parks.

When I get to the parks right when they open, I see a lot of full-grown adults jogging or even sprinting to their first attraction — despite every employee they pass imploring them to walk.

They're not being killjoys, I promise. Show them some respect by following the rules. The rides aren't going anywhere.

Treat the park employees with respect.

Treat the park employees with respect.
The employees are just trying to do their jobs, so don't make them more difficult.      Timothy Moore

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, remember that Disney employees work hard to make your day magical.

Wave back at them as you enter the parks, say thank you when they hand you your food, and tell them to have a nice day as you're leaving.

These workers deal with a lot of rude guests, often in grueling temperatures during long shifts. A simple smile and "hello" can go a long way.

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