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6 essential tips for surviving long flights, from a former Air Force pilot who now flies one of the longest commercial flights in the world

Claire Turrell   

6 essential tips for surviving long flights, from a former Air Force pilot who now flies one of the longest commercial flights in the world
  • Emirates pilot Yusri Abu Bakar used to be in the Singapore Air Force before switching to commercial.
  • He now flies an A380, piloting one of the longest flights in the world from Dubai to New Zealand.

A former Republic of Singapore Air Force pilot, Yusri Abu Bakar pivoted from flying an F-16 fighter jet to an A380 as a commercial pilot for Emirates airline out of Dubai, where he is based.

Over the past 4½ years, Yusri has flown to 50 destinations, often flying from Dubai, UAE, to Auckland, New Zealand. At close to 16 hours, this flight is one of the longest in the world. There are longer flights, such as the Singapore Airbus A350 ULR to JFK airport in New York, but those only have business-class seats.

Yusri flies this long-haul flight two or three times a month, in line with regulations regarding how many hours a pilot can fly a month.

Emirates' first-class travelers can spend the 15-hour, 45-minute flight time drinking glasses of Dom Perignon or freshening up in the private shower. But if you don't have first-class amenities, Yusri shared seven tips for traveling on a long flight in comfort and how to reach your final destination feeling refreshed.

Sync with your next time zone in advance to avoid jet lag

The hardest part of flying long distances is dealing with the jet lag on either side.

Yusri said he gets into sync with his new destination's time zone by changing his eating and sleeping patterns at least two days before his flight.

"I make the changes in small increments by going to bed two hours earlier each day," Yusri said. "If I'm flying on a Saturday, I will go to bed two hours earlier on the Thursday, and then four hours earlier on the Friday. It slowly nudges me closer to the new time zone."

Being considerate to the flight crew will improve your experience

There are a couple of things you can do to make your life and the crew's life easier on a mega-flight. "The first thing you should do is fasten your seatbelt on top of your blanket, so they don't have to disturb you," Yusri said.

He told Insider that passengers should try to minimize the number of trips the busy crew has to take down the plane's 50-meter-long aisle to win favor with flight attendants.

He said passengers should think about what they'll need for the next few hours of their flight — a blanket, coffee, or snacks — and ask for it all in one go.

Prioritize your body's needs

Yusri recommended stretching for five to 10 minutes each hour of the flight. "If it's a long flight, I'd recommend that you get up and stretch your glutes, your hips, and your back. These are the areas that can get stiff during a flight," he said.

He said to opt for the bulkhead seats — seats facing a divider in the plane — because you get more legroom, or an aisle seat so you don't disturb anyone when stretching.

Yusri tries to eat light before and after the flight, as heavy meals can upset the stomach.

Proactively drinking lots of water while in the air will help you feel better after stepping off the flight. "If you feel thirsty, it's too late as you're already dehydrated," Yusri added.

If you're flying with kids, create a schedule

Yusri told Insider that parents who are used to long-haul flights will plan playtime as well as nap time.

"I've seen parents have timed activities for their kids. They'll bring out different toys or books at set times during the flight, so the child is surprised and entertained," he said.

"Early in the flight they will let them play games on their tablets, but as they move towards sleep time, they will remove some of the stimulation and give them a traditional board game so they calm down."

Pack noise-canceling headphones and an eye mask

Packing a well-thought-out carry-on can improve your long-haul flight experience, Yusri said.

"I would normally pack a good set of noise-canceling earphones and a good pair of eye shades because sometimes you don't want to be disturbed by the lights," said Yusri. He also recommends that you ask the cabin crew for a bottle of water so you can keep your hydration levels topped up.

Traveling in a suit or business casual will not increase your chances of a free upgrade, so dress for comfort. "Wear loose-fitting clothes so that you are more comfortable," he added.

Listen to audiobooks and relaxing music to fall asleep

Yusri shared two tried-and-true techniques to help fall asleep on long-haul flights: reading a book or listening to relaxing music with noise-canceling earbuds.

"There are some playlists on Spotify that you can use to induce sleep. I have a playlist filled with classical music and jazz," he said.

"Otherwise, I will listen to one of my audiobooks," he added. "I love self-help books such as ikigai or Ryan Holiday books as they are kind of meditative."

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