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29 underwater photos that show the magnificent creatures living in the ocean

  • Underwater Photography Guide recently unveiled the winners of its "Ocean Art Safe Under the Sea" photography contest.
  • The contest — held to "share the beauty of our oceans," according to a press release — includes images of sharks, fish, and sea lions, among other sea creatures.
  • Twenty-five percent of proceeds from the contest were donated to the World Health Organization and Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, according to the press release.
  • The winning image was taken by photographer Edwar Herreno at a shark nursery in Ecuador.

The ocean is filled with amazing creatures, from adorable sea lions to unique sea slugs.

These animals and more are highlighted in a recent photography contest from Underwater Photography Guide, entitled the "Ocean Art Safe Under the Sea" contest.

The competition was held to "share the beauty of our oceans," according to a press release sent to Insider, and encouraged photographers to submit their best underwater images, with 25% of proceeds donated to the World Health Organization and Centers For Disease Control and Prevention.

Here some of the winning images, including the Best of Show photograph that shows a shark nursery located in Ecuador.
