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  5. Photos show how common baking mistakes can drastically change your brownies

Photos show how common baking mistakes can drastically change your brownies

Photos show how common baking mistakes can drastically change your brownies
  • I intentionally made nine common baking mistakes while making brownies to see how each would affect the finished product.
  • From not using enough butter to adding too much flour or mistaking baking soda for baking powder, there are a lot of mess-ups to be made.
  • Leaving out eggs altogether left me with an inedible, sugary soup but adding extra flour resulted in a more fluffy, delicious brownie.

When it comes to baking brownies, I usually stick to mix that comes in a box. It's convenient, and it's pretty hard to make a mistake. As it turns out, baking them from scratch is a lot easier to mess up; there's more measuring, ingredients, and room for human error.

To find out how some of these classic mistakes would alter my dessert, I intentionally made nine baking faux pas while using the same brownie recipe. To keep things consistent, I found Hershey's Best Brownies recipe online and stuck with it the whole way through.

I learned a lot from this day spent in the kitchen, but probably the most important rule of thumb is that you can't rush a brownie out of its pan. Let them cool first, otherwise, they'll completely fall apart — it took me three batches to figure this one out.

From mistaking baking soda for baking powder and forgetting to add the eggs, here's what happened when I made nine classic errors.

Using too much flour, expectedly, made for thicker brownies.

Using too much flour, expectedly, made for thicker brownies.
A brownie batch made with too much flour.      Rachel Askinasi/Insider

To the untrained pastry chef — or first-time home-baker — it makes sense to scoop flour into a measuring cup and pat it down with the backside of a spoon. This is known as packing the flour and leads to using too much.

For this batch, I packed my flour super tight.

I also messed up by using the wrong size pan — it was a bit too small. Regardless, this batch of brownies still rose more than the other eight batches. It took a little longer to cook as well, but I suspect that was a result of the baking dish kerfuffle.

In terms of flavor, this was spot-on for what you'd expect from a brownie. It was chocolaty, not too sweet, and chewy and mushy in all the right places (edges and center, respectively). There was an aftertaste of lingering butter, but it was pretty subtle.

This batch felt a bit undercooked when I first took it out of the oven, but the center settled as it sat on a cooling rack. What remained after cooling was a well-constructed brownie: sturdy on the top and bottom but manageably gooey in the middle.

It was also visually stunning. There was a crustier portion of the top around the edges, and then a thin, shiny, bubbly film closer to the middle.

Using too little flour didn't negatively affect the flavor, but it did leave me with a very thin brownie.

Using too little flour didn
A brownie batch made with too little flour.      Rachel Askinasi/Insider

For this batch, I intentionally left out most of the called-for flour. When I pulled it out of the oven, the cooked batter had air holes in the top but no cracks — those were a result of me trying to take it out of the pan too soon.

This batch had an even height across the surface, meaning it didn't sink or rise more in the middle. It only slightly rose from the height of the raw batter when I first poured it into the pan.

Edges on these brownies were chewier than the center, which was very mushy. It reminded me of a cafeteria cookie that's raw in the middle but fully cooked all around the outsides.

If you're a fan of thin, gooey brownies, try halving the amount of called-for flour. The flavor profile here was spot-on, classic brownie.

This recipe calls for baking powder, but it's easy to mess up and use baking soda instead. This mistake won't ruin your brownies.

This recipe calls for baking powder, but it
A brownie batch made with baking soda.      Rachel Askinasi/Insider

This batch of brownies rose around the edges, but not at all in the center. The top layer was cracked in the center and wrinkly at the four corners.

The edges were somewhat chewy while the middle looked undercooked and fell apart in my mouth and hands. There were also really pronounced air pockets on the bottom crust, which felt really strange on my tongue.

In terms of flavor, it wasn't bad at all. While it wasn't too sweet and the butter mostly came through, it didn't actually taste chocolaty, which is arguably the entire purpose of eating a brownie.

Visually, at least, these brownies were beautiful, with a shiny top coat and cracks that reveal the darker, richer inside.

Using too much sugar resulted in chewy brownies that stuck to my teeth.

Using too much sugar resulted in chewy brownies that stuck to my teeth.
A brownie batch made with too much sugar.      Rachel Askinasi/Insider

With a semi-wrinkly, shiny top, this batch of brownies would look great on a dessert platter, but if you look closely, the wrinkles in the photo show you how the brownie rose around the perimeter but not in the center.

In terms of texture, there were a few air holes which made for a slightly strange feeling, but not nearly as many as were on the bottom of the batch made with baking soda.

And while the actual flavor was good, and they tasted like proper brownies, unfortunately, I thought the texture and consistency distracted from that. The brownies were so chewy that they got stuck in my teeth.

Not using enough sugar made for an airy, cake-like brownie.

Not using enough sugar made for an airy, cake-like brownie.
A brownie batch made with too little sugar.      Rachel Askinasi/Insider

A distinct cocoa powder flavor was particularly strong in this batch of brownies. Using half the amount of sugar left me with a batch that was both cakey and moist throughout.

They were lightweight and didn't have a layer of crust on top. Instead, the top of the brownies had holes from air bubbles scattered around. They looked naked without a shiny coating.

The flavor was OK — not rich and chocolaty, but they definitely had a semi-sweet cocoa flavor.

If you're a fan of more cake-like brownies, cutting the amount of sugar you use is a good way to go.

Forgetting to add the eggs was the most disastrous mistake of all — this batch was inedible.

Forgetting to add the eggs was the most disastrous mistake of all — this batch was inedible.
A brownie batch made without eggs.      Rachel Askinasi/Insider

After mixing the batter and forgetting (on purpose, of course) to add eggs, I wasn't able to get it to fill the nine-by-nine-inch baking pan. Instead, I used the smaller glass dish that I made the batch with too much flour in.

When I looked into the oven before the timer went off, this batch of brownies was bubbling like crème brûlée. It took twice as long as the other batches to cook through.

And even after it cooled, it was basically a hardened soup of sugar and cocoa powder. The top was just sugar crystals that hadn't melted. It was inedible.

After I scraped away bits of sand-like sugar on the top, I found where all the flour was hiding: It had sunk to the bottom and hardened in the shape of a brick.

On the other hand, adding an extra egg made for a lightweight, cakey batch.

On the other hand, adding an extra egg made for a lightweight, cakey batch.
A brownie batch made with an extra egg.      Rachel Askinasi/Insider

This batch looked, felt, and tasted more like a layer of chocolate cake than brownies. There was no top crust, and instead the surface was littered with large air holes.

These brownies were also missing that classic sweet cocoa flavor. Rather, they just tasted sweet — but not in a horrible way — and felt a bit greasy to the touch.

As for the texture, the brownies were very moist and rose a decent amount more than other batches.

Incorrectly measuring butter and adding too much didn't have a huge effect on the overall taste of the brownies.

Incorrectly measuring butter and adding too much didn
A brownie batch made with too much butter.      Rachel Askinasi/Insider

There was a thin film of shiny crust on top of this batch of brownies, but there were also so many air holes that I could barely see it.

These brownies were chewy around the edges and slightly gooey in the center. They had a heavy, wet feeling when I held and then tasted them.

While the flavor wasn't bad at all, it also wasn't great. All the right components of cocoa powder and sugar were in place, but the flavor of extra butter took over and unsurprisingly I was able to taste that ingredient the most.

I didn't use enough butter in this batch and it muted the flavor of the brownies.

I didn
A brownie batch made with too little butter.      Rachel Askinasi/Insider

I thought less butter would have made these brownies less mushy than their counterparts, but they were just as soft in the center and held onto their chewy edges. Still, the shiny top crust on this batch had a sort-of grainy texture to it.

The flavoring of these brownies was more subtle than the rest. It was missing any sort of distinct chocolate flavor.

I wouldn't throw this batch away, but I also wouldn't bring them to a friend as a gift.

Ultimately, the best version depends on how you like your brownies.

Ultimately, the best version depends on how you like your brownies.
Eight of the nine brownies were edible.      Rachel Askinasi/Insider

What it really comes down to with these brownies is how you, as an individual, prefer to eat them. Do you like cakey and lightweight brownies, or are you a sucker for a dense, gooey mess? Do you reach for a crunchy corner piece or a moist middle square?

There's a brownie variation for everyone — just, please, whatever you do, don't forget the eggs!


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