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  5. I went behind the scenes at Five Guys to see how its iconic boardwalk-style fries are made

I went behind the scenes at Five Guys to see how its iconic boardwalk-style fries are made

Rachel Askinasi,Joey Hadden   

I went behind the scenes at Five Guys to see how its iconic boardwalk-style fries are made
I went behind the scenes to find out how Five Guys makes its fries.Joey Hadden/Insider
  • Five Guys is known for its boardwalk-style, twice-cooked fries.
  • I went behind the scenes at the chain to see how they're made.

Making fries at Five Guys isn't as simple as tossing a bag of frozen potatoes into hot oil. There's an intricate process that goes on behind the scenes.

Making fries at Five Guys isn
Fries are always overflowing at Five Guys.      Joey Hadden/Insider

Five Guys Burgers and Fries is widely known for its smashed burgers and free toppings. But the chain takes fries seriously and makes them in-house from fresh potatoes every day. As a consumer, I've always been able to taste the difference.

The slightly thicker fry is around ½-inch thick and offers a substantial bite of soft potato enveloped in a crispy shell that gives off almost an oven-baked feel. I ranked it No. 2 in a taste test of fries from eight different chains.

The smallest order at my NYC location costs $4.09, and the next size up jumps to $5.09. (Prices vary by market, and you can check your local menu on the chain's website.) While it's on the pricier side compared to other chains, there are ways to cut back on spending, Insider previously reported.

So I went to one of the Five Guys locations in Manhattan to see how these golden boardwalk fries are made.

As always, the process starts off with food safety. Employees must wash their hands before starting any new task in the kitchen.

As always, the process starts off with food safety. Employees must wash their hands before starting any new task in the kitchen.
There are multiple sinks at the location I visited.      Joey Hadden/Insider

The team at Five Guys goes by the general guidance of washing for around 20 seconds in water that's around 100 degrees Fahrenheit, Amy Cryzter, the director of training at the chain, told me.

Cryzter, who was on-site to help out with my pseudo shift, said that employees must wash their hands every time they change their gloves, in addition to any other time it makes sense.

Since I was changing my gloves to go from prepping burger toppings to making french fries, I used the sink in the back kitchen to wash up. There is also a handwashing sink in the front-of-house, customer-facing kitchen for employees working at the grills, fryers, or milkshake stations.

Then it was time to unload the potatoes and get to washing.

Then it was time to unload the potatoes and get to washing.
The chain uses large Idaho potatoes.      Joey Haden/Insider

Five Guys gets its potatoes from Idaho 10 months out of the year. The other two months are filled with "gap potatoes" which come from Washington or Oregon, Cryzter told me.

She showed me how to dump one sack at a time into a sink and rinse them with a hose. She said it's easier to move them through the slicer if they're wet.

Once the spuds are clean, a team member pushes them through the cutting device one by one to get that iconic shape.

Once the spuds are clean, a team member pushes them through the cutting device one by one to get that iconic shape.
A Five Guys potato before being cut (left) and after (right).      Joey Hadden/Insider

The potatoes go into the slicer one at a time and the team member uses a lever to push it through the cutting screen.

It should take one person no longer than five minutes to cut a bag of potatoes, Cryzter said.

Then it's time to wash the raw potato sticks.

Then it
Raw fries moving through the agitator.      Joey Hadden/Insider

Once the potatoes are cut, they fall into the green-and-white basket device. The basket moves within the sink and agitates the potatoes, pulling off most of the starch and sugar, which is what makes those bubbles at the back, Cryzter said.

From here, they get dumped into a larger sink where they soak in cold water until they're needed up front for the fryer.

A cold-water soak is crucial to keeping the potatoes ready for frying.

A cold-water soak is crucial to keeping the potatoes ready for frying.
A team member dumps ice onto the fries to keep their temperature down.      Joey Hadden/Insider

Cryzter told me it's important that the cut potatoes are always completely submerged with about an inch of water over the top, as the water is what stops them from oxidizing.

If the potatoes sit for a while in the same water, the water will get cloudy from all the starch. So someone will then drain the sink and fill it back up with fresh water.

Team members also take the temperature of the potatoes, and if the temperature climbs above 55 degrees, they'll add ice.

Cryzter also said that employees are trained to keep an eye out for any pink or red potatoes. The color, she said, is an indication that starch has come up to the surface. If someone notices a pink or red one on the line, they'll bring it to the back and soak it again.

"That's how you're going to get a perfect fry," Cryzter said. "If we don't do this process right, it doesn't matter what we do out there, we're not going to have a perfect fry."

In the front kitchen, batches of potatoes get fried off for the twice-daily calibration test.

In the front kitchen, batches of potatoes get fried off for the twice-daily calibration test.
Fries are set up for the first calibration test of the day.      Joey Hadden/Insider

Before every shift, the team does what they call a "fry calibration," Cryzter explained.

Since the Five Guys fries are cooked twice, and potatoes aren't the most consistent produce to work with, there's a lot of room for error. After all, even just a few seconds can make a huge difference in the end result, another team member told me.

"We set up a sheet tray and do undercooked pre-cooks, perfect pre-cooks, and overcooked pre-cooks, and then we try to make the perfect fry from each of those," Cryzter said. They gather the team together and everyone tries some of each so that they can see how the perfect cook should look and feel that shift.

Cryzter continued: "The purpose is to show team members that if we don't get the perfect pre-cook, this is what the final fry is going to taste like."

This happens every day, twice a day, with the first ideally being before opening.

We walked through the look and feel of each batch as a team.

We walked through the look and feel of each batch as a team.
A manager leads his team through the calibration test.      Joey Hadden/Insider

One manager showed me how the overcooked fries will have tough skin and will almost be hollowed out. It will have little to no resistance and might taste burnt even though it may look OK.

The undercooked fries will have a lot of resistance in the skin, and won't break off as quickly when pressed between fingers.

The perfectly-done fries will have slight resistance but will mostly stay within the skin when pressed. If you press too hard, it will break. But it will feel sturdy on the outside and have a soft, mashed-potato-like inside.

"This is like a $6 fry, it better be perfect," a team member told me.

Once employees are familiar with what the day's fries should look like, it's time to start loading the fryers and serving them up.

Once employees are familiar with what the day
I learned how to work the fry station.      Joey Hadden/Insider

Employees told me that the fry station is the hardest to learn to control — sometimes it could take months. For that reason, the rule is that you can't leave someone alone there unless they are a Five Guys-certified Fry Master (or someone who has been approved by management and who has the technique and safety practices down).

There are no timers on the fry station, so it's all about knowing the look and the feel.

I learned that you always have to give the baskets a little shake before dropping them into the oil, this way the fries don't stick to each other.

Once the bubbles in the fryer start to dissipate, and the fries start to float to the top, the baskets get pulled out and shaken at least 15 times to get rid of excess oil.

After they've been cooked to perfection, the fries get dumped into a seasoning tray and loaded up with salt.

After they
Seasoning is so important.      Joey Hadden/Insider

Salt gets applied in an even layer over the fries, and then a scoop tool is used to toss everything together.

If a customer ordered the chain's Cajun fries, the same tool is used to transfer some of the fries into another basket where the Cajun seasoning is applied generously.

"You should feel a tickle in your nose," Cryzter said.

Finally, these spuds get bagged and passed off to hungry customers.

Finally, these spuds get bagged and passed off to hungry customers.
Everyone gets an extra scoop!      Joey Hadden/Insider

All fry servings at the chain come with an extra scoop — the cup should be overflowing with fries in the to-go bag. "We want to make sure people get their money's worth," Cryzter said of the portion sizes.

But if there happens to be a few extra still in the basket, an employee might decide to throw those in the bag as well. If that happens, Cryzter told me it's important to just tell the customer that they were given some extra fries, this way they're not expecting that many the next time they come in and order.


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