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  5. I tried Martha Stewart's 'basic' gingerbread-cookie recipe and I've never felt more festive

I tried Martha Stewart's 'basic' gingerbread-cookie recipe and I've never felt more festive

Gabbi Shaw   

I tried Martha Stewart's 'basic' gingerbread-cookie recipe and I've never felt more festive
They're Hanukkah gingerbread cookies.Gabbi Shaw/Insider
  • Gingerbread is one of my favorite holiday flavors, so I tried Martha Stewart's cookie recipe.
  • Though I didn't have all the right ingredients or tools, I got creative and was still able to make them.

This holiday season, I decided to try out Martha Stewart's basic gingerbread recipe.

This holiday season, I decided to try out Martha Stewart
Martha Stewart.      Cindy Ord/Getty Images

Gingerbread is one of my favorite flavors and scents around the holidays — RIP, Starbucks' gingerbread latte — but I realized this year that I haven't actually attempted to make gingerbread cookies since I was a kid with my mom.

So, with that memory in mind, I began making my own gingerbread cookies. I used this recipe, which Stewart calls "basic."

Here are the ingredients I needed, besides the eggs that were in the fridge.

Here are the ingredients I needed, besides the eggs that were in the fridge.
The ingredients for my gingerbread cookies.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

Here's everything I needed:

  • 6 cups unbleached all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup dark-brown sugar, packed
  • 4 teaspoons ground ginger
  • 4 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cloves
  • 1 teaspoon finely ground pepper
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup un-sulfured molasses

And here's the amount of space I was working with — shout-out to my tiny New York City kitchen.

And here
My kitchen.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

In terms of counter space, and just general space, my kitchen leaves a lot to be desired. I'd have to be economical about how much space I needed to prepare my ingredients properly.

The first step was to sift the flour, baking powder, and baking soda. Too bad I don't have a sifter.

The first step was to sift the flour, baking powder, and baking soda. Too bad I don
My attempts at sifting.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

Instead, I used a strainer, which worked well enough. It did, however, get a little messy.

The next step was to use a mixer to cream butter and dark brown sugar. I didn't have dark brown sugar, so I made my own.

The next step was to use a mixer to cream butter and dark brown sugar. I didn
Homemade dark brown sugar.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

When I went to Target, which was depleted of lots of items, there was only light brown sugar. I took to Google, to see if I could make my own dark brown sugar.

According to many sources, I could make my own by adding one tablespoon of molasses for every cup of sugar.

You can see how the color changed.

You can see how the color changed.
Homemade dark brown sugar.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

I used a fork to combine the two as best as I could. Once the color was visibly darker and the two were mixed, I called it a day.

After the sugar was completed, I set about creaming the butter and sugar.

After the sugar was completed, I set about creaming the butter and sugar.
Creamed sugar and butter.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

I also don't have an electrical mixer, so I used a wooden spoon and a fork. Food52 confirmed I'd be able to cream the butter and sugar by hand, so I was relieved.

After softening the butter in the microwave, I mixed the butter and sugar until the butter was coated. Then I used the fork to whip them together until I achieved this creamy texture.

The next step was to add the spices — cinnamon, ground cloves, pepper, ginger, and salt — plus the two eggs. It was starting to smell amazing in my kitchen.

The next step was to add the spices — cinnamon, ground cloves, pepper, ginger, and salt — plus the two eggs. It was starting to smell amazing in my kitchen.
The eggs and spices.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

I added the eggs, cinnamon, pepper, ginger, and salt without any problems, but when I re-checked my spice cabinet to find that I only had whole cloves, not ground cloves, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands again.

Since I only had whole cloves, I improvised again by using a rolling pin and a Ziploc bag.

Since I only had whole cloves, I improvised again by using a rolling pin and a Ziploc bag.
My fake ground cloves.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

This didn't work as well as I'd hoped, but I didn't have time to dwell on it. Into the mix they went.

I mixed everything until my wet ingredients were combined.

I mixed everything until my wet ingredients were combined.
The wet ingredients combined.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

My mouth was starting to water at how good everything smelled already.

Again, I was supposed to use a mixer to combine the wet and dry ingredients, so I muddled on as best I could.

Again, I was supposed to use a mixer to combine the wet and dry ingredients, so I muddled on as best I could.
Mixing the wet and dry ingredients together.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

At this point, I texted my mom to tell her that, if it wasn't too late, I'd willingly accept an electric mixer as one of my holiday gifts.

I ended up using a whisk, the wooden spoon, a fork, and my hands to mix everything fully.

I ended up using a whisk, the wooden spoon, a fork, and my hands to mix everything fully.
The gingerbread dough.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

If you're going to use your hands, remember to coat them in flour so you don't get sticky.

Eventually, I was able to knead the dough into something solid. I split it into thirds and refrigerated it for an hour.

Eventually, I was able to knead the dough into something solid. I split it into thirds and refrigerated it for an hour.
The three mounds of dough.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

I had to blast holiday music in my headphones while baking to keep myself in the spirit.

Again, before kneading, it's best to coat the surface you're working on with flour.

While my dough was chilling, I took stock of how messy my kitchen had become.

While my dough was chilling, I took stock of how messy my kitchen had become.
The messy kitchen.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

I had used so many bowls, spoons, whisks, and cutting boards that my sink was full. Every surface also had some amount of flour on it, which made for a fun hour of scrubbing dishes and wiping down surfaces.

After an hour was up, I took out one of the thirds and began rolling.

After an hour was up, I took out one of the thirds and began rolling.
My flattened dough.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

Thankfully, my Target trip hadn't been a total waste, since the store did have rolling pins in stock.

The recipe recommends rolling the dough to be around 1/8-inch thick before cutting.

Target was out of gingerbread men — as I'm Jewish anyway, these Hanukkah cookie cutters were a great choice.

Target was out of gingerbread men — as I
My Hanukkah cookie cutters.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

The shapes included were menorahs, Stars of David, and dreidels.

Here's what the cut dough looked like on the tray.

The cookies.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

I was able to get at least 10 cookies in the first batch. The oven had to be heated to 350 degrees, and the recipe said to line the tray with parchment paper.

The first batch came out a little ... burnt.

The first batch came out a little ... burnt.
The first batch.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

I left the cookies in there for 20 minutes, like the recipe said, but they came out too well-done on the first try. That poor menorah was burnt to a crisp.

So, when I tried again, I made the dough a little thicker, and left them in for shorter.

So, when I tried again, I made the dough a little thicker, and left them in for shorter.
The second round of dough.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

This time I left them in for 17 minutes, and they were just right.

Then I pulled out my frosting and got to work. I'm not an artist, so don't judge.

Then I pulled out my frosting and got to work. I
Dreidels and a Star of David.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

After letting the cookies cool completely, I used my trusty blue frosting and got to work attempting to ice them in an aesthetically pleasing way. A pastry chef, I am not.

The cookies tasted delicious, and they had a solid crunch. In the future, I think I would use less pepper and actual ground cloves.

The cookies tasted delicious, and they had a solid crunch. In the future, I think I would use less pepper and actual ground cloves.
Me and a menorah cookie.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

In some bites, where the ground cloves weren't totally ground, their flavor was overwhelming. I also thought the cookies were a little too peppery for my taste, but those can both easily be rectified in the future.

While I'd call these a step above "basic," I think anyone with the right tools could make these pretty easily — and even if you don't have the right tools, they'll put you in a festive mood.

While I
The finished product.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

Hopefully, the next time I attempt to bake a Martha Stewart recipe, I'll have an electric mixer and access to a kitchen with more counter space.

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