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  5. I tried 4 celebrity chefs' pancake recipes, and Ina Garten's were the fluffiest and easiest to make

I tried 4 celebrity chefs' pancake recipes, and Ina Garten's were the fluffiest and easiest to make

I tried 4 celebrity chefs' pancake recipes, and Ina Garten's were the fluffiest and easiest to make
Insider's Josh Ong tried out four celebrity chefs' pancake recipes.NBC, Bryan Bedder, George Pimentel/Getty Images
  • I tried out four celebrity-chef recipes to see which would make the best pancakes.
  • I tested recipes from Gordon Ramsay, Ina Garten, Jamie Oliver, and Martha Stewart to find the best.

Pancake Day is always a fun occasion.

Pancake Day is always a fun occasion.
I don't eat pancakes often but will make up for it by eating a lot on pancake day.      Josh Ong/Insider

As almost every chef in the world seems to have their own recipe for pancakes, it can be a little difficult to select the best one for the fluffiest American-style pancakes.

I decided to test some myself and tried four different pancake recipes from Gordon Ramsay, Ina Garten, Martha Stewart, and Jamie Oliver to see which would yield the best results.

Most of the ingredients in the four recipes are similar, but each has its own twist.

Most of the ingredients in the four recipes are similar, but each has its own twist.
Aside from a few ingredients, almost everything in pancakes is pantry-friendly.      Josh Ong/Insider

All of the recipes share ingredients that are common to classic American pancakes. However, the area they mostly differ is in their raising agent. Where Ina Garten's recipe uses sour cream as its base, Gordon Ramsay uses buttermilk, and Martha Stewart and Jamie Oliver both use regular milk.

In order to make this a fair test, any extra seasonings or ingredients, such as ground cinnamon, were excluded. While they'd almost certainly make for better pancakes, having one recipe include them would make for an unfair advantage.

I also ate the pancakes just covered with some sugar and berries to make it an even contest.

First up were Gordon Ramsay's buttermilk pancakes.

First up were Gordon Ramsay
The recipe calls for the egg whites to be beaten until foamy.      Josh Ong/Insider

Gordon Ramsay's website has a recipe for buttermilk pancakes that's fairly simple and requires just eight ingredients, most of which are pantry staples.

The main difference in this recipe was separating the egg whites and yolks, which can be difficult if you're not hugely confident in the kitchen. Separating the whites allows you to beat more air into the batter which should result in fluffier pancakes. The recipe tells you to do this until the whites are foamy, before folding back into the mixture of all other ingredients.

Aside from the eggs, all other ingredients were measured and dumped into a bowl, and mixed, before adding to a buttered non-stick pan.

I was slightly disappointed in how little Ramsay's pancakes rose.

I was slightly disappointed in how little Ramsay
While I do enjoy crepes, they weren't what I was looking for in this recipe.      Josh Ong/Insider

While these pancakes tasted pretty good and weren't overly dense, they were probably closer to a French-style crepe than an American pancake as they remained mostly flat.

Despite the work put into whisking the eggs separately, it was hard to see the benefits of doing so from this recipe.

Next up was Martha Stewart's easy basic pancakes.

Next up was Martha Stewart
Making the batter for Martha Stewart's pancakes was uncomplicated.      Josh Ong/Insider

Stewart's recipe listed on her website was probably the simplest of them all, also requiring eight ingredients, using milk as its base. This recipe didn't require any complex methods, just whisking the dry ingredients together before adding the wet ones and mixing again.

These were pretty enjoyable as a classic American pancake.

These were pretty enjoyable as a classic American pancake.
These pancakes browned well and looked like traditional American pancakes.      Josh Ong/Insider

Stewart's pancakes were enjoyable and exactly what you'd want from traditional American pancakes. They had enough lift to them without any special technique, while also not being too sickly or sweet.

Next on the list was celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's American-style pancakes.

Next on the list was celebrity chef Jamie Oliver
Beating the eggs to stiff peaks took longer than some of the recipes needed altogether.      Josh Ong/Insider

Given Jamie Oliver's reputation for healthier food following his numerous campaigns in the UK, I was expecting the recipe listed on his website to be the most nutritious. This ended up being correct as the recipe doesn't contain any sugar or salt within the batter, and only calls for four ingredients altogether, using milk as its base.

Similar to Ramsay's recipe, Oliver's calls for separating the egg whites and yolks. However, Oliver suggests whisking the whites until they form stiff peaks rather than just foamy, which should make the pancake batter even lighter. Then they're folded into the mixture of the other ingredients which have been whisked together.

The extra whipped batter made it too delicate, resulting in broken pancakes.

The extra whipped batter made it too delicate, resulting in broken pancakes.
While the broken pancakes from Jamie Oliver's recipe tasted fine, they weren't exactly picturesque.      Josh Ong/Insider

While Jamie Oliver's recipe went even further than Gordon Ramsay's in including extra air into the recipe by beating the egg whites to stiff peaks, it did clearly show in the consistency of the batter as it had hundreds of tiny air bubbles on its surface.

Oliver's pancakes were very light and far too delicate, to the point where my first pancake split down the middle when I tried to flip it. While I did eventually make one that held its shape, by the time it finished cooking it had deflated considerably.

And as there was no sugar or salt in the batter itself, it tasted noticeably flatter compared to the other recipes.

Last on the list were Ina Garten's sour cream pancakes.

Last on the list were Ina Garten
The batter for Ina Garten's pancakes was the thickest and best combined of them all.      Josh Ong/Insider

Ina Garten's recipe on the Food Network's website has the longest list of ingredients, with 12 listed. However, four of these are extra seasonings or toppings that would alter the taste of the base pancake, so I removed them to make the test fair.

This recipe also differs the most in its use of sour cream and milk as its raising agent. It's also the only one that suggests sifting the flour before also whisking it together.

Aside from that, it follows the same pattern of whisking together the wet ingredients separately before adding them to the dry, before cooking in a pre-buttered skillet.

Ina Garten's were the best pancakes of the bunch by a country mile.

Ina Garten
Ina Garten's pancakes cooked the most evenly and had the best color to them.      Josh Ong/Insider

The inclusion of sour cream in the batter, while perhaps a little unusual on paper, helped these pancakes massively. It gave the batter much more body which made it stick together better and provided an extra layer of slight tang that offset any excessive sweetness from the syrup.

The pancakes themselves cooked the most evenly and developed a beautiful color, with the inside being both thick and light, perfect for absorbing syrup or other toppings. The sifted flour also made a noticeable difference, with far fewer lumps than the other pancakes.

While they did require the most ingredients, they were arguably the easiest to put together. The original recipe even calls for banana as an extra flavoring and a way to offset the sourness of the cream, but in my opinion, it was far from necessary for making these great pancakes.

Ina Garten's pancakes were the clear winner of this showdown.

Ina Garten
It's hard to ask for more in a pancake than Ina's recipe.      Josh Ong/Insider

I enjoyed all four recipes — they're pancakes, after all. But from my test, there were some which were considerably easier and tastier than others.

Where Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay both used extra effort to whip the eggs, they seemed to have little positive effect on the outcome of the pancakes. Equally, while Martha Stewart's were easy to make and definitely a great choice, they were a little too basic for me.

Ina Garten's inclusion of sour cream was the one I was most hesitant about before making them, but it appeared to work the best as it made the pancakes with the best texture and taste.

Particularly as they didn't require much effort and no specialist ingredients aside from the sour cream, it's definitely the recipe I'll be reaching for first.


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