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17 easy meals you can make in the microwave

  • You can cook every meal of the day in your microwave.
  • For breakfast, you can make a frittata, an egg sandwich, and even French toast without ever turning on your stove.
  • At lunchtime, you can try cooking mac and cheese, a sweet potato, or soup in the microwave.
  • The options for microwavable dinners are limitless and include chicken, fish, and pasta dishes.

Cooking can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, but there is one appliance in your kitchen that can make cooking much easier: the microwave.

Instead of turning on your stove and turning up the heat of the oven, you can instead turn to your microwave to make your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.

Here are some recipes you should try next time you want to cook at home but don't want to deal with the hassle.
