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15 foods Americans eat that British people find unappealing

15 foods Americans eat that British people find unappealing
Not everyone wants to eat a hot dog on a stick covered in fried batter.De Repente/Shutterstock

  • British people on Quora were asked which commonly eaten foods in America they found unappealing.
  • Chicken-fried steak, corn dogs, and peanut butter made the list.
  • National favorite foods like Kraft Mac & Cheese were also named.

Lia Ryerson previously contributed to a version of this article.

Brits are unsure of what grits actually are.

Brits are unsure of what grits actually are.
Grits don't look the most appetizing.      Julie Zeveloff/Business Insider

"No-one really knows what they are and we have the vague feeling they're something one should be a little wary of." — Rob Fletcher.

"But what in the name of heaven are grits?? They look utterly unappetizing, and the descriptions I've read have me imagining a sort of salty porridge." — Clare Celea.

Non-fat milk is too watery for many foreigners.

Non-fat milk is too watery for many foreigners.
A glass of milk.      Shutterstock

"That's not milk — that's water with some white in it." — Adam M. Steiner.

Many non-Americans don't get the appeal of peanut butter, much less in combination with jelly.

Many non-Americans don
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a US staple.      Shutterstock

"These are pretty common in the US, and to many British people the very idea is repulsive." — Paul Murphy.

To Brits, biscuits are meant to be sweet ... and definitely not served with gravy.

To Brits, biscuits are meant to be sweet ... and definitely not served with gravy.
The term British people use for what Americans consider to be cookies is "biscuits."      Aimee M Lee/Shutterstock

"'Biscuits and gravy' sounds weird to British ears as it sounds like 'cookies and brown gravy.' The gravy is actually similar to something we might eat with chicken or fish. Pouring it over something similar to British scones is confusing." — Rob Fletcher.

Cheese? More like "Cheese."

Cheese? More like "Cheese."
Easier doesn't mean better.      Mike Mozart/Flickr

"Orange 'cheese' squares and/or Cheez Whiz. Just no." — Adam M. Steiner.

"That so-called cheese in a spray can? Whatever culinary genius thought that up really needs to be publicly humiliated for that." — Paul J Dobbs.

Root beer has an unusual flavor most non-Americans just can't place.

Root beer has an unusual flavor most non-Americans just can
Root beer floats aren't popular across the pond.      Jorge Franganillo / Flickr

"Tastes like disinfectant." — Doug Hepburn.

"If it were not brown, I would use it to clean the floor." — David Pfeiffer.

Many foreigners are wary of corn dogs.

 Many foreigners are wary of corn dogs.
The street fair favorite is a miss.      De Repente/Shutterstock

"I tried one in San Francisco, sort of a hot dog inside a doughnut." — Garry Taylor.

"Imagine the cheapest quality meat you would dare consume (the sort of meat you have to boil rather than grill) made into a rude sausage shape and shoved on a stick. Cover it with a tasteless batter — no beer in this one — and fry it so that the outside crisps but the inside stays soggy. It's not nice." — Kimberley Lear.

Twinkies taste stale to the British palate.

Twinkies taste stale to the British palate.
No love for the iconic Hostess snack.      Matt York/AP

"A Twinkie would be much more enjoyable if it had fresh cream and non-stale cake." — Franki Marsh.

Many foreigners maintain that Hershey's tastes faintly like vomit.

Many foreigners maintain that Hershey
Many believe the tangy and sour taste can be attributed to the milk Hershey's uses, which goes through a chemical process that produces butyric acid.      Madeline Diamond/INSIDER

"I don't know what it is, but it is not chocolate." — Doug Hepburn.

"I tried a well-known brand called Hershey's and it tasted of vomit. Seriously. I was as astonished as I was revolted." — Guy Roberts.

Sweet salad dressings defeat the point of a salad.

Sweet salad dressings defeat the point of a salad.
Perhaps sugar only belongs in dessert.      Patchareeloveson/Shutterstock

"Why would you put sugar in salad dressing? Doesn't that kind of ruin the whole point of salad?" — Adam M. Steiner.

Chicken-fried steak covered in gravy turned many Brits off.

Chicken-fried steak covered in gravy turned many Brits off.
Now that we think about it, breaded and fried steak is a little weird.      Shutterstock/Joshua Resnick

"Take a piece of steak. But not too good, like rib eye or flank, because that fat is bad for your arteries, and flank may taste great but it's on the chewy side. No, something boringly lean and puritanical, like round steak.

"Bread it, so that it not only won't acquire that nice caramelized outer coating, it can't acquire it. Fry it, so that you have bread encasing flabby grey beef. (Arteries? What arteries?)

"Douse it with gravy, to console yourself for the fact that you could have been having a good steak instead of grey meat coated in greasy bread.

"Oh, wait, what? The gravy has to be made with milk? I just threw up a little in my mouth. Look, forget the whole thing." — Alex Johnston.

Packaged bread was deemed too sweet.

Packaged bread was deemed too sweet.
Some commenters compared it to cake.      Gamzova Olga/Shutterstock

"Supermarket wrapped bread is invariably very, not to say extraordinarily, sweet to a European palette. I find it completely inedible. It ruins the taste of anything, and everything, sandwiched between it. Essentially it is cake masquerading as bread." — Toby Low.

Bacon is an American favorite, but many Brits thought it was too greasy, salty, and not meaty enough.

Bacon is an American favorite, but many Brits thought it was too greasy, salty, and not meaty enough.
Bacon was thought to be too greasy and salty.      Joe Gough/Shutterstock

"The bacon is basically fried cardboard that seems to have been dipped in salt. You couldn't make a decent bacon sarnie [sandwich] with it." — Paul Jones.

Huge portions of food - like giant turkey legs at theme parks - made Brits sick to their stomachs.

Huge portions of food - like giant turkey legs at theme parks - made Brits sick to their stomachs.
Too much meat.      INSIDER

"There is a lot of meat on a turkey leg. It's more meat than anyone needs to eat over the course of a few days, let alone as a snack while walking around a theme park. The first bite tasted OK, if a little uninspiring, but it soon became a chore. [...] I would wake up in the night for months afterward with visions of that turkey leg and how thoroughly unappetizing it became." — Simon Crump.

Boxed macaroni and cheese is thought to be totally disgusting.

Boxed macaroni and cheese is thought to be totally disgusting.
Brits, in general, had a problem with boxed or canned foods.      Madeline Diamond/INSIDER

"Americans have so many foods that are processed and come from boxes or tins and have little to do with the original ingredients — like Kraft Mac & Cheese." — Tamara Stevens.

"Macaroni and cheese should never be out of a cardboard box." — Debsy Opperman.


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