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  5. 12 epic fails 'The Great British Baking Show' contestants have made

12 epic fails 'The Great British Baking Show' contestants have made

12 epic fails 'The Great British Baking Show' contestants have made
"The Great British Baking Show" contestants have made some epic mistakes over the years.Netflix
  • "The Great British Baking Show" is a popular UK-based competition that tests amateur bakers on their skills in the kitchen.
  • In the show's 10-year run, a number of contestants have made memorable mistakes.
  • Mishaps include contestants injuring their fingers in the food processor, using salt instead of sugar, and accidentally ruining other bakers' desserts.
  • Outside of the kitchen, judge Prue Leith made her own mistake when she accidentally revealed the winner of season eight before the finale aired.

Warning: Spoilers ahead for "The Great British Baking Show."

For a decade, people have watched "The Great British Baking Show" — or "Bake Off," as it's known in the UK — to see amateur bakers whip up elaborate cakes in a tent in the English countryside.

In each themed episode, contestants are tested in three challenges called signature, technical, and showstopper rounds, and have their baked goods critiqued by judges Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith.

While there are plenty of impressive treats, as is often the case with baking, mistakes can happen.

Bakers have made some epic fails over the show's 11 seasons, from using salt instead of sugar to injuring a finger in the food processor.

We've rounded up some of the most memorable faux pas from the show — plus, a bonus mess-up outside the tent courtesy of one of the judges.

In episode six of season three, contestant John accidentally sliced his finger open with a piece of equipment and had to excuse himself from the rest of the challenge.

In episode six of season three, contestant John accidentally sliced his finger open with a piece of equipment and had to excuse himself from the rest of the challenge.
John wore a blue glove after he injured his finger as he tried to continue baking.      Courtesy of Love Productions

Baker John put his finger through the food processor while making strudels during the show's showstopper round. He initially put on a blue glove and decided to continue with the challenge. However, with blood gushing out of the glove and down his arm, he left the tent to receive first aid. He had to excuse himself from the rest of the episode.

Because John was unable to finish the challenge due to his injury, no bakers were eliminated that episode. Instead, two bakers were eliminated in a future episode.

As for John, he went on to win the season.

"Pastry Week" in episode five of season 11 didn't go well for a couple of contestants as their delicate edible cages fell apart.

"Pastry Week" in episode five of season 11 didn
The cage around contestant Linda's tart fell apart before she could present it to the judges.      Netflix

For their showstopper challenge in the episode, the bakers were asked to make a sweet tart to be displayed inside an edible pastry cage.

The show's cohost Matt Lucas said the cage must be "self-supporting and highly decorative" at the start of the challenge.

A couple of the bakers struggled to keep their pastry cage from collapsing onto their custard: Linda was left with only a few colorful strands instead of a whole cage and Mark's cage was a touch more horizontal than desired.

Linda was eliminated in the episode.

Season-nine winner Rahul had a slightly checkered path to victory when a glass container shattered at his station during the finale.

Season-nine winner Rahul had a slightly checkered path to victory when a glass container shattered at his station during the finale.
Rahul had to contend with shards of broken glass on his baking table during the finals.      Netflix

Baker Rahul, who had established himself as a contestant to watch early in the season, made an ambitious edible rock garden out of cakes and biscuits topped with lemon curd and buttercream for his finale showstopper.

Midway through the round, Rahul told the cameras that he still had to make his cakes, the choux pastry, praline dust, and a lot more. Seconds after he said, "I cannot afford to waste any single moment," the heat at his station caused a storage container to shatter, sending glass shards across the table and floor.

He had to start over to avoid potentially serving something with glass in it and was given an extra 15 minutes to finish the challenge — a decision that proved controversial with viewers, especially when Rahul was named the season winner.

During episode eight of season eight, contestant Stacey pulled the oven door from the rest of the setup while in the middle of an elaborate bake.

During episode eight of season eight, contestant Stacey pulled the oven door from the rest of the setup while in the middle of an elaborate bake.
Stacey had to hold the oven door manually shut to finish her bake.      Netflix

For "Forgotten Bakes Week," baker Stacey was making a lemon and orange savoy cake. When putting the cake in the oven, Stacey got a little enthusiastic about her bake and slammed the oven door closed, accidentally breaking it in the process.

She resorted to holding the oven door in place while the cake cooked inside. Her trick worked, and judge Paul Hollywood said her cake had a good flavor and texture. She went on to win the coveted title of "star baker" in the episode.

Season-six contestant Dorret had an emotional moment in the first episode when she took the cake mould off her Black Forest gateau and watched the cake slowly collapse around it.

Season-six contestant Dorret had an emotional moment in the first episode when she took the cake mould off her Black Forest gateau and watched the cake slowly collapse around it.
Dorret's Black Forest gateau didn't come out of its mould neatly.      Netflix

Baker Dorret made a Black Forest gateau for the showstopper challenge of the episode, but the cake didn't come out of its mould neatly and instead collapsed into a gooey mess.

"I can't believe this is actually happening," Dorret said while then-host Sue Perkins tried to console her by saying "it's just a cake."

Dorret later told Hollywood and Mary Berry (who was a judge at the time) that she had to redo one of the sponges in the cake, which meant she didn't have enough time to let the mousse — an important component of the dessert — set.

Hollywood said her cake looked like "a mudslide" and tasted like "chewing on a rubber tire."

Dorret was saved from elimination in the episode, continuing with the rest of the competition.

Contestant Ruby's cake slid off her presentation stand while her fellow contestants watched in horror from just outside the tent in season nine episode seven.

Contestant Ruby
Ruby's cake topples over.      Netflix

Only one tier of Ruby's two-tier vegan showstopper cake remained relatively unscathed while another fell on the table. Judge Prue Leith said the cake looked "like a disaster" but both Leith and Hollywood enjoyed how the cake tasted.

The cake made of two layers, lemon and chocolate, would have fared better and been more stable if Ruby had stacked the lemon cake on top of the chocolate cake instead of the other way around, Hollywood suggested.

Ruby made it to the finals of the season.

During season 11's first episode, "Cake Week," contestants were asked to make cake busts of people they admire. Few bore any resemblance to the idols they were modeled after.

During season 11
Baker Laura's cake bust of Freddie Mercury (left) and Marc's David Bowie bust didn't go to plan.      Netflix

As the contestants set out to test their skills in the showstopper challenge by making a cake bust, Leith acknowledged the complexity of the challenge. "We're asking them to be engineers, decorators, and bakers," she said.

Contestants Laura and Marc struggled in particular. Laura made a Freddie Mercury bust, but part of his head was missing, while Marc's David Bowie cake bust bore very little resemblance to the thin white duke without his signature lightning bolt.

These faux pas weren't enough to send the bakers home, however, as both survived elimination in the episode.

Contestant Terry, a season-nine baker, just couldn't get his Eiffel Tower collar cake to remain upright during a showstopper challenge in episode two.

Contestant Terry, a season-nine baker, just couldn
Terry watched his chocolate Eiffel Tower topple over.      Netflix

Baker Terry struggled at various points throughout the four-hour showstopper challenge where the bakers were asked to make a cake with a chocolate collar around it. Ultimately, Terry's delicate chocolate tower fell apart in the hot tent and he was left with only the white chocolate sponge.

In the end, even though the cake itself didn't get the best review, what Terry was going for wasn't lost on the judges and he was saved from elimination.

"The way you've done the ironwork is brilliant," Leith said. "It may only be half the Eiffel Tower but everyone knows what it is."

As Chelsea Davis previously wrote for Insider, the temperature inside the tent often affects what the contestants are baking, especially on hot days like the one during the chocolate collar challenge.

The tent where the bakers compete has no central cooling, so it tends to get hot. Starting in 2019, contestants were at least given a personal fan to keep their bakes and themselves cool.

In the second episode of season six, contestant Marie forgot to turn on her oven during the technical challenge, leaving her cookies uncooked.

In the second episode of season six, contestant Marie forgot to turn on her oven during the technical challenge, leaving her cookies uncooked.
Marie was only able to serve four of the eight arlettes judges had asked for during the technical challenge.      Netflix

For the episode's technical challenge, the bakers were asked to present a tray of eight identical arlettes (puff pastry cookies) to the judges.

With 10 minutes to go, baker Marie realized her oven wasn't on.

When it was time to take out the arlettes, she said they were "not cooked at all," and ended up serving four cookies. Former judge Berry said it was a "pity" she could only serve half of the arlettes, but the ones that were on the plate received positive reviews.

Unfortunately for Marie, she was eliminated in that episode.

In the first episode of season 11, one contestant was trying to swat flies away from her dessert as she placed it on the judging table, but in the process she slapped a fellow baker's pineapple upside-down cake to the floor.

In the first episode of season 11, one contestant was trying to swat flies away from her dessert as she placed it on the judging table, but in the process she slapped a fellow baker
Contestants had a run-in by the judging table when Sura accidentally knocked over David's pineapple upside-down cake.      Netflix

For that week's technical round, the bakers were asked to make six identical pineapple upside-down cakes.

After baker Sura had placed her bake on the judging table, she tried to swat a fly away and wound up knocking over fellow contestant David's pineapple upside-down cakes, leaving only two of them in presentable shape.

Sura was tearful and apologized to David, who remained calm in the situation.

"It happens, accidents happen," David said.

While judging David's cakes, Hollywood used the unharmed cakes — which he said looked burnt and overcaramelized — as a template for the rest.

Hollywood and Leith liked Sura's cakes better and she was awarded first place in the challenge.

Neither David nor Sura were eliminated in the episode.

In the fourth episode of season five, contestant Diana removed fellow contestant Ian's Baked Alaska from the fridge, causing the ice cream to melt. Ian then dumped the dessert in the trash before walking away from the tent.

In the fourth episode of season five, contestant Diana removed fellow contestant Ian
After dumping his melted Baked Alaska (left) in the trash, Ian brought the bin to the judges.      Netflix

For the episode's signature round, the contestants were asked to make Baked Alaska (ice-cream surrounded by cake and topped with meringue).

As the name suggests, making sure the dessert remains frozen is key.

So when baker Diana removed fellow contestant Ian's dessert from the freezer prematurely, and left it out on the bench,

There is a fair amount of controversy about what exactly transpired. Sue Perkins, then one of the hosts of the show, said that the dessert had been outside the freezer for less than a minute, while Ian told the Guardian that it had to have been longer for the ice cream to have melted.

The results of the episode were less than ideal for Ian who threw the dessert in the trash can, which he later brought to the judging table.

Ian was eliminated from the competition in the episode.

While the tent has produced some true baking delights, bakers have also made the occasional mistake of using salt instead of sugar in their treats — twice.

While the tent has produced some true baking delights, bakers have also made the occasional mistake of using salt instead of sugar in their treats — twice.
Season-nine baker Briony made her eclairs with salt.      Netflix

In the semifinal of season nine, baker Briony admitted she may have used salt instead of sugar in the eclairs she prepared for the showstopper round after the judges commented on how salty her bakes tasted that day. Unfortunately, the mix-up sent Briony home instead of the finals.

Years before Briony, in the first episode of season four, contestant Toby also used salt instead of sugar in his angel food cake which led to his elimination, as PBS recounted for its viewers.

Bonus: Judge Prue Leith made her own mistake outside of the kitchen when she accidentally revealed the winner of season eight before the finale aired.

Bonus: Judge Prue Leith made her own mistake outside of the kitchen when she accidentally revealed the winner of season eight before the finale aired.
Prue Leith prematurely tweeted out the name of the season-eight winner.      Simone Padovani/Awakening/Getty Images

While Leith was in Asia in October 2017, she tweeted out the name of the season-eight winner after miscalculating the time difference and thinking the finale had already aired in the UK, according to the BBC.

The judge later apologized in a follow-up tweet.

"I am so sorry to the fans of the show for my mistake this morning," Leith's tweet read. "I am in a different time zone and mortified by my error."


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