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11 baking fails to make you feel better about yourself

Rachel Askinasi   

11 baking fails to make you feel better about yourself
These cakes didn't go quite as planned.Laura Daniel/Instagram, Adrienne Gibson/Instagram
  • With different parts of the world on lockdown, more people are trying their hand at baking.
  • Whether it's cookies, bread, or macarons, home cooks are getting into the kitchen and testing out recipes.
  • Social-media users have seen their share of perfect sourdough loaves on their feeds, but not every trial is a success.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

When I saw that everyone was baking bread, I tried it out myself. First, I made rolls, which proved to be way harder than they looked. Then, I tried beer bread, which tasted good but looked like a lumpy brick.

It's easy to think you're the only one who could possibly be getting things wrong, but there are plenty of brave souls on social media showing the world that they messed up their recipe, too.

So, here are 11 times people failed at baking that will lift your spirits and get you back in the kitchen to try again.

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A comedian tried to replicate the New Zealand Prime Minister in dessert form.

A comedian tried to replicate the New Zealand Prime Minister in dessert form.
This cake has teeth.      Laura Daniel/Instagram

New Zealand comedian Laura Daniel wrote that she was "deeply sorry" for this botched, confectionary representation of Jacinda Ardern, the prime minister of New Zealand.

These were also meant to be French macarons.

These were also meant to be French macarons.
This batch melted in every direction.      bored_in_self_isolation/Instagram

Amber of the Instagram account @bored_in_self_isolation posted her own attempt at French macarons. The shape is almost completely deflated, but the caption indicates they still tasted yummy.

French macarons are meant to grow "feet" on the bottom. But these exploded on top instead.

French macarons are meant to grow "feet" on the bottom. But these exploded on top instead.
Macarons typically release at the bottom, not on top as these did.      Shawna Rose/Instagram

Shawna Rose cited homemade almond flour as the possible culprit behind this baking fail.

While this batch may have flopped, two attempts and one dose of "proper almond flour" later, the macarons looked flawless.

These scones also morphed together on the pan.

These scones also morphed together on the pan.
Each scone joined together to form one giant, misshapen scone.      Elizabeth/Instagram

Instagram user Elizabeth attempted to make scones and shared her photo of what they looked like when she pulled them out of the oven.

This was the result of using pizza yeast to make bread rolls.

This was the result of using pizza yeast to make bread rolls.
Melanie Anderson's rolls flattened into discs (left).      Melanie Anderson/Instagram

Melanie Anderson of Edmonton, Alberta, wrote that she thought she "scored big" when she found yeast on the grocery store shelf. But she soon found out that pizza-specific yeast may not work for baking puffy bread rolls.

The baker of this loaf of sourdough said it "looks more like a brain."

The baker of this loaf of sourdough said it "looks more like a brain."
The bread didn't rise.      Cortney Zieky/Instagram

Something went wrong in this five-day-long attempt to bake gluten-free sourdough. But Cortney Zieky, a health coach in Austin, Texas, wrote in her caption that her kids thought it tasted great anyway and had a fun time making it.

It also happened to this loaf of sourdough.

It also happened to this loaf of sourdough.
The sourdough tried to escape.      North London Allotment/Instagram

Elizabeth Walter shared this photo to Instagram with the caption, "Just don't ask..."

The home baker tried her hand at sourdough bread. It looks great even though it's trying to climb out of the pan.

Bread in all forms has proven to be tough. This banana bread played tricks on the person who was baking it.

Bread in all forms has proven to be tough. This banana bread played tricks on the person who was baking it.
The explosion was hiding behind the pan.      moominesthers_kitchen/Instagram

One Instagram user, @moominesthers_kitchen, couldn't see the banana bread batter creeping out of the loaf pan. The end result looked a little phallic.

The caption read: "So...this looked to be baking perfectly and happily in the oven...this was the surprise on the other side #nocomment."

This cake started to consume the entire oven.

This cake started to consume the entire oven.
The batter spilled over and onto the oven rack.      Adrienne Gibson/Instagram

Adrienne Gibson wrote in her caption that she had a gut feeling the pan was too small for the cake. But she went ahead with baking it anyway.

Cookies may seem like the simplest of all baked goods, but things can still go awry.

Cookies may seem like the simplest of all baked goods, but things can still go awry.
There were several different mishaps with this one batch of cookies.      Scott Searle/Twitter

Scott Searle published a quarantine baking tweet with a photo of his cookies gone wrong.

"Half of the cookies are burnt, half are raw, and the fire alarm is going off," he wrote.

He did list out a few good takeaways from the situation, though, like this silver lining: "My baking skills can only improve from here. Good thing I didn't start with bread."


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