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10 easy pasta dishes to make with your Thanksgiving leftovers

  • Use your Thanksgiving leftovers in a pasta dish for a unique way to make sure they don't go to waste.
  • Thanksgiving turkey and sides are arguably even more delicious post-Thanksgiving Day.
  • But there are only so many turkey-and-cranberry-sauce sandwiches one can eat in the following days.
  • From mashed potato gnocchi to a cranberry cream sauce, you can jazz up how you use your Thanksgiving leftovers with these 10 pasta recipes.

After spending hours — if not days — in the kitchen preparing for an elaborate Thanksgiving meal, the last thing anyone wants to do following the holiday is to cook more intricate meals.

That's one of the reasons why the Thanksgiving turkey sandwich is so popular. You just jam all the leftovers between two slices of bread and enjoy.

But there's another, perhaps unexpected, carb that serves as the perfect vessel for all your Thanksgiving leftovers: pasta.

Here are 10 pasta recipes to cook with Thanksgiving leftovers.
