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Valentine’s Day Special: 8 foods that induces love

Chomp on Almonds

Valentine’s Day Special: 8 foods that induces love

Give me some Honey

Give me some Honey

Loaded with fast acting instant sugar, a spoonful is enough to pep you up. So much, so that the big night- Honeymoon is named after this sweetener. Add some to your food and sweeten your love life.

Abundance of Pomegranates

Abundance of Pomegranates

Fertility and abundance have been associated with Pomegranates because the fruit is packed with so many seeds. Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love is said to have planted the first Pomegranate tree. The fruit is associated with increased sexual desire and helps create the right mood. Pick your wicker basket and fill them with Pomegranates to celebrate the day of love. Yes, love brings good health too.

Dark side of Chocolates

Dark side of Chocolates

Chocolates has always been associated with improving the mood. The thought of biting into a bar of rich, dark chocolate is enough to induce desire and craving. Satisfying the craving is left to your imagination. Share a bar of chocolate this Valentine’s. It will leave you wanting for more.



Add flavor to your food with Basil, and tons of it. Known to promote blood circulation and cure headaches, basil is the solution you were looking for. Intensify your dinner dish and the evening thereafter by mixing this secret ingredient in your food.



When it is Cleopatra’s favorite fruit, no questions are asked. Rumored to be so, figs have been a symbol of fertility in many cultures. Packed with antioxidants, potassium and fiber, this fruit is packed with goodies. Erotic fruits over fruit flavored things? Yes please!



This heart shaped fruit with a beautiful colour and sweet flavor, indeed looks its part as we list it among foods for love. Sharing it over a seductive meal would be an ideal starter for a great evening. Since ancient times, it is believed that strawberries hold mysterious powers. Go figure and validate the belief this Valentines.



The Kamasutra vouches for the aphrodisiac qualities of Asparagus by advising to drink it as a paste. Excess Ammonia in the body can lead to sexual disinterest and fatigue. The aspartic acid found in Asparagus helps in neutralizing this excess ammonia. No wonder, the French are known to have three meals of asparagus before their wedding. Now that’s called an intense preparation.

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