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21 Stunning Portraits Of Humans Around The World

I asked the mother for a photo, but she said the decision was up to her son. So I asked the boy. He stood up, walked over, looked me up and down, and said: "Prove to me you’re not a terrorist,"(Kampala, Uganda)

21 Stunning Portraits Of Humans Around The World

"I clean the streets. I used to work as a lifeguard at a fancy hotel on the Dead Sea, but I lost my job. I brought some of the mud from the beach to my cousin because it is good for your skin. My manager said: ‘Hey! We can sell that! You’re stealing!’" (Amman, Jordan)

"I clean the streets. I used to work as a lifeguard at a fancy hotel on the Dead Sea, but I lost my job. I brought some of the mud from the beach to my cousin because it is good for your skin. My manager said: ‘Hey! We can sell that! You’re stealing!’" (Amman, Jordan)

"We were engaged for six months, but her parents made her marry a richer man." "What’s the last thing you said to her?" "I told her: ‘I’ve done all that I can do. I wish you happiness in your life.’" (Petra, Jordan)

"We were engaged for six months, but her parents made her marry a richer man." "What’s the last thing you said to her?" "I told her: ‘I’ve done all that I can do. I wish you happiness in your life.’" (Petra, Jordan)

"How did I become a community leader? Every time there’s a wedding, I go to say ‘Congratulations.’ Every time there’s a funeral, I go to say: ‘I’m sorry.’" (Al-Salt, Jordan)

"How did I become a community leader? Every time there’s a wedding, I go to say ‘Congratulations.’ Every time there’s a funeral, I go to say: ‘I’m sorry.’" (Al-Salt, Jordan)

"I get way too sensitive when I get attached to someone. I can detect the slightest change in the tone of their voice, and suddenly I’m spending all day trying to figure out what I did wrong." (Amman, Jordan)

"I get way too sensitive when I get attached to someone. I can detect the slightest change in the tone of their voice, and suddenly I’m spending all day trying to figure out what I did wrong." (Amman, Jordan)

"After they beat me, I heard shots. And I walked to the shop next door, and found my neighbor dead on the floor. He was one of the nicest men in the town. Every day he would put out food for the cats. I would tell him: ‘You must stop feeding the cats, they are overrunning my shop.’ But he would never stop feeding them. He would tell me: ‘I have to feed them. Or they will die.’" (Zaatari Refugee Camp, Jordan)

"After they beat me, I heard shots. And I walked to the shop next door, and found my neighbor dead on the floor. He was one of the nicest men in the town. Every day he would put out food for the cats. I would tell him: ‘You must stop feeding the cats, they are overrunning my shop.’ But he would never stop feeding them. He would tell me: ‘I have to feed them. Or they will die.’" (Zaatari Refugee Camp, Jordan)

“What do you guys want to do when you grow up?” “Doctor.” “Doctor.” “What’s your greatest struggle right now?” “Math.” “Math.” (Erbil, Iraq)

“What do you guys want to do when you grow up?” “Doctor.” “Doctor.” “What’s your greatest struggle right now?” “Math.” “Math.” (Erbil, Iraq)

“We live in a very conservative culture, but I want my children to be open minded. I try to bring them to as many places as possible: big malls, art galleries, concerts. We want them to see as many types of people as possible, and as many types of ideas as possible.” (Erbil, Iraq)

“We live in a very conservative culture, but I want my children to be open minded. I try to bring them to as many places as possible: big malls, art galleries, concerts. We want them to see as many types of people as possible, and as many types of ideas as possible.” (Erbil, Iraq)

“I’m living a good life. I’m a business owner. A lot of hotels say, ‘Come shine shoes for us. We will pay you better.’ I tell them: ‘Why would I do that? I am free.’” (Shaqlawa, Iraq)

“I’m living a good life. I’m a business owner. A lot of hotels say, ‘Come shine shoes for us. We will pay you better.’ I tell them: ‘Why would I do that? I am free.’” (Shaqlawa, Iraq)

"We just want to be together and not be afraid." (Erbil, Iraq)

"We just want to be together and not be afraid." (Erbil, Iraq)

"Swimming is the greatest thing in life. If we have time, we swim ten times per day." (Kalak, Iraq)

"Swimming is the greatest thing in life. If we have time, we swim ten times per day." (Kalak, Iraq)

"There were dozens of them and only four of us. They took all my sheep." (Dohuk, Iraq)

"There were dozens of them and only four of us. They took all my sheep." (Dohuk, Iraq)

"I’m studying to be a lawyer. He likes books about frogs." (Kasangulu, Democratic Republic of Congo)

"I’m studying to be a lawyer. He likes books about frogs." (Kasangulu, Democratic Republic of Congo)

"I’m listening to music about God." (Kasangulu, Democratic Republic of Congo)

"I’m listening to music about God." (Kasangulu, Democratic Republic of Congo)

"I’m studying to be a civil engineer. Congo needs everything: bridges, roads, buildings, wells. The country is like a workshop." (Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo)

"I’m studying to be a civil engineer. Congo needs everything: bridges, roads, buildings, wells. The country is like a workshop." (Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo)

"I want to discover the cure for Ebola." (Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo)

"I want to discover the cure for Ebola." (Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo)

"I’m studying law. My dream is to be a judge one day. Too many people in this country are only in prison because they were too poor to defend themselves. When I’m a judge, I’ll look only at the facts, and not at the person." (Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo)

"I’m studying law. My dream is to be a judge one day. Too many people in this country are only in prison because they were too poor to defend themselves. When I’m a judge, I’ll look only at the facts, and not at the person." (Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo)

"What’s the score?" "2 - 0" "Who scored the goals?" "I scored them both." (Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo)

"What’s the score?" "2 - 0" "Who scored the goals?" "I scored them both." (Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo)

"When we graduate, my friend and I want to start an organization to teach people in rural areas how to read. I was volunteering at a clinic last year, and I saw a child die of Cholera because the mother couldn’t remember the prescription instructions." (Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo)

"When we graduate, my friend and I want to start an organization to teach people in rural areas how to read. I was volunteering at a clinic last year, and I saw a child die of Cholera because the mother couldn’t remember the prescription instructions." (Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo)

"My happiest moments were when my mom was still alive." "What’s your fondest memory of your mother?" "One time when I was six years old, we went to pick up my father at the airport. On the way, my mother explained to me the concept of boarding a plane and taking a trip. And then while we waited for my father, we sat in a nearby restaurant, and we planned out all the imaginary trips that I wanted to go on." (Nairobi, Kenya)

"My happiest moments were when my mom was still alive." "What’s your fondest memory of your mother?" "One time when I was six years old, we went to pick up my father at the airport. On the way, my mother explained to me the concept of boarding a plane and taking a trip. And then while we waited for my father, we sat in a nearby restaurant, and we planned out all the imaginary trips that I wanted to go on." (Nairobi, Kenya)

"Too many questions." (Nairobi, Kenya)

"Too many questions." (Nairobi, Kenya)

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