scorecardAmancio Ortega, founder of Zara

Amancio Ortega, founder of Zara

Net worth: $57.5 billion

2012 was a good year for Zara founder Ortega, whose net worth rose by $22.2 billion last year.

Even so, he hasn't let the success go to his head. Ortega and his wife live in a discreet apartment building in La Coruña, Spain, and he's a simple dresser, wearing a uniform of blue blazer, white shirt and gray pants every day.

He goes to the same coffee shop every day and eats lunch with his employees in the Zara cafeteria. And Ortega drives an Audi A8, not some fancy supercar.

One major indulgence: Ortega owns The Global Express BD-700, a private jet designed by Bombardier that carries price tag of $45 million.
