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10 tips every New York newbie should know before riding the subway

Don't hog the ticket machines.

10 tips every New York newbie should know before riding the subway

Know if you're headed uptown or downtown.

Know if you

The difference between uptown and downtown is essentially the first thing taught in New York Subway 101.

If you're in Manhattan, you're either headed uptown towards Queens or downtown towards Brooklyn. Figuring out which direction your destination is closer to will assure you board the right side of the track, and will save you a lot of time (and embarrassment).

Use Google Maps to figure out your train route.

Use Google Maps to figure out your train route.

There are plenty of subway apps to choose from, but I've found Google Maps to be the easiest to navigate. Odds are you're already using the app to walk around street level.

Hit the "travel by train" option, and you'll have the recommended trains to take to your destination. There may be a few options to choose from, so opt for whichever station you are closest to.

Let the people getting off of the train exit before you get on.

Let the people getting off of the train exit before you get on.

This tip really should not come as a surprise. Let the people exiting actually leave the train before you move in. However, this is often overlooked by tourists who fear the subway doors will close on them.

I understand the fear, but trust me, there will be enough time for everyone to exit and everyone to enter. Have a little faith in the subway gods and you'll be just fine.

Move into the train as quickly as possible.

Move into the train as quickly as possible.

Boarding the train is not the time to stare at the world around you. It's move it or lose it, people.

Tourists are notorious for walking slowly in the streets, and this doesn't seem to change when they head underground. Pick up those tired legs and move quickly into the train. Work your way towards the center of the car and be sure not to stop immediately inside the doors, or risk being run over by the people behind you.

Keep your bags off the seats.

Keep your bags off the seats.

Your Metro swipe covers one seat for you on the train. Not a seat for your purse, your shopping bags, your umbrella, or anything else you may bring with you. There's limited space to begin with, so be sure to set your belongings on your lap to make room for the people sitting next to you.

The same goes for bikes — not only do they sometimes delay the train (the doors are guaranteed to close on the tight-fitting bike at least once), they can also make other subway riders feel uncomfortable. My friend once had to straddle a stranger's bike, and that definitely wasn't a pleasant experience.

Keep yourself occupied.

Keep yourself occupied.

Invest in a good pair of headphones now. You'll thank me later.

Listening to music or podcasts on your commute is an easy way to make the trip feel faster, and it eliminates the opportunity for strangers to start a conversation with you. Keep in mind you'll lose cell service, so don't rely on Snapchat or Instagram to keep you entertained on your ride.

I also recommend picking up a book, magazine, or tablet to read. Eye contact with strangers is awkward, and in order to avoid it, reading is a quick fix.

Keep a poker face when the unexpected occurs.

Keep a poker face when the unexpected occurs.

I learned almost immediately that there are no boundaries to what you may experience on the subway. You'll see anything from people break-dancing to others making announcements about their struggling financial situation. One thing to note: you are by no means obligated to interact with these people.

Tourists are often an easy target for these entertainers or donation-seekers. By acting unfazed and unbothered, people are more likely to leave you alone. Refer to the previous slide on how to occupy your attention on the train, and avoid making eye contact.

Of course, if you feel like financially supporting these subway acts, by all means do so.

Be conscious of the space you take up on the pole.

Be conscious of the space you take up on the pole.

If there are no more seats on the subway, or if you simply choose to stand, you'll want to hold on. Most New Yorkers have perfected the "loose-knees subway stance," but for novices, I highly recommend grabbing some pole.

That being said, be mindful of how much of the pole you take up. Never, and I mean never, is it okay to lean your entire body against the pole, especially if you are standing near an end seat. That just makes the subway experience awkward for the person sitting down right next to your backside — and no one deserves an added discomfort during their daily commute with strangers.

Exit the train quickly and then head to street level.

Exit the train quickly and then head to street level.

For expert New York subway riders, it's definitely a time-saver to stay underground and exit closer to your street destination. However, if you're new to the area, or the subway station, it's probably better if you take the nearest street exit and wait for Google Maps to re-center to your location.

Just make sure you stand off to the side of the exit when you get outside. New Yorkers won't hesitate to run into you while you stand there gawking at your phone.
