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The Worst-Case Scenario For Cyprus

The Worst-Case Scenario For Cyprus

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For anyone whose sanguine about the idea of Cyprus leaving the Eurozone, these observations from Felix Salmon are important to consider:

The worst-case scenario — call it #CypriOut — is that talks just break down entirely, with no plan acceptable to both the Eurogroup and the Cypriot parliament, while the Russians ultimately decide that they don’t want to throw good money after bad. In that event, Cyprus ends up with a chaotic default and devaluation — think Argentina 2002, only on an island which is already fractured along intractable ethnic lines.

The cost of CypriOut to the ECB and to Europe as a whole would be substantial, both in euros and in precedent. If you think that taxing deposits is a bad precedent, just wait until you see what happens when the world learns that a country can leave the eurozone after all. So a lot of people are going to spend a lot of effort trying to avoid it. And judging by recent European history, some last-minute deal will manage to get cobbled together somehow. But this whole situation is horribly messy — it reminds me of the Argentine political chaos in March 2001, a few months before the country finally defaulted.

It would be an economic catastrophe for Cyprus, for sure. If you think that taxing depositors is a blow to the country's financial center status, then switching back to the Cyprus Pound would be dramatically more so. And then yes, this does create a precedent that leaving the Eurozone is something that happens, and a lot of the progress in the rest of Europe may melt away. It's a very grim scenario for all involved.


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