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The World's 21 Strongest Banks In 2014

Jun 16, 2014, 20:06 IST

REUTERS/Yuri MaltsevU.S. strongman Andy Vincent strains as he lifts a weight during the Pacific Strong competition in Russia's far eastern port of Vladivostok August 14, 2011. Vincent and teammate Travis Ortmayer took on and beat a Russian team in various tests of strength. This year's list of top-performing banks is in, and one thing's clear - Asia is definitely winning.


The list comes from Bloomberg Markets Magazine, which ranked 97 banks around the world with at least $100 billion in assets.

Eight out of the 21 top banks are Asian, including the number one spot. Within regions, four out of the five top banks in North America are Canadian. Only one U.S. bank made the top 21.

The 2014 rankings saw some new names, since Bloomberg decided to throw private banks into the mix this year, two of which tied for second.

Rankings were determined by five criteria, in order of importance:


1. Ratio of Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets2. Ratio of nonperforming assets to total assets3. Ratio of reserves for loan losses to nonperforming assets4. Ratio of deposits to funding5. Ratio of costs to revenues

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