Glassdoor analyzed more than 300,000
We posted the full list of 25 here, but here's a rundown of the ones asked by tech companies.
How would you answer them? We've shared our thoughts:
How many cows are in Canada? Google asked a person applying for a job as a local data quality evaluator. Answer: about 7 million, according to Wiki Answers. (And yes, we Googled it.)
What songs best describe your work ethic? Asked at Dell for a consumer sales job. Possible good answer:
Jeff Bezos walks into your office and says you can have a million dollars to launch your best entrepreneurial idea. What is it? Asked at Amazon for a product development job. Here's our list: 14 Startups That Would Be Awesome...If Only They Existed
How would people communicate in a perfect world? Asked at Novell for a software engineer job. Obvious answer: telepathy. Better answer (posted on Glassdoor): Always in person, face-to-face. That answer leads to a discussion of videoconferencing tech, which is a lot easier tech problem to solve than telepathy.
What’s your favorite song? Perform it for us now. Asked at LivingSocial for an adventures city manager job. If you're not a great singer, might we suggest Kelly Clarkson's "What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger"? And if you can sing, you'll have this one covered.
Have you ever stolen a pen from work? Asked by Jiffy Software for a software architect job. Obvious answer: Yes, but not on purpose. Better answer: In the grand scheme, no. I've probably brought more pens to the office and left them there as I've taken home.
What kitchen utensil would you be? Asked by for a marketer job. Best answer we've seen (posted on Glassdoor): The Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer
If you could be anyone else, who would it be? Asked by for a sales representative job. Obvious, ingratiating answer: Marc Benioff. Better answer: Anyone from our list of 15 Tech Geniuses Living Fabulous, Enviable Lives
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This story was originally published by Glassdoor.