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The Ultimate Social Network Is Twice The Size Of Facebook

Jan 17, 2013, 07:47 IST

YoutubeWhat's the best way to connect to every single person on the Internet?


If you said, "Facebook," you're wrong.

According to Pingdom, a website-monitoring firm, there are 2.2 billion email users on the planet, out of 2.4 billion Internet users.

Facebook recently crossed 1 billion users.

Pingdom reported the number in a roundup of statistics about Internet usage in 2012.


Gmail is the biggest email service, with 425 million active users. Google is trying to leverage its Gmail user base to build up its Google+ social network.

Meanwhile, Facebook has been trying to upgrade its Messages feature to be a substitute for email—without much luck so far.

See the complete report on the Royal Pingdom blog >

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