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The UK's Automatic Internet Porn Block Is A Massive Privacy Violation

The UK's Automatic Internet Porn Block Is A Massive Privacy Violation

David Cameron Texting

Getty Images

UK Prime Minister David Cameron.

UK Prime Minister David Cameron announced today a new plan that would require Internet service providers (ISP) in the country to automatically block online pornography.

By default, every ISP will block porn. If a customer wants the ability to watch porn online, he or she will have to contact his or her ISP and tell them so. It's unclear if that will be over the phone, through the ISP's website, or some other form, but in essence, all Internet users in the UK will soon have to identify themselves as porn-watchers if they want access to the full Web.

That's a huge violation of privacy. It goes against the very nature of what the Internet should be, a free and open place for art, information, and expression. And yes, porn falls into some of those categories.

The new rules are, in theory, designed to protect minors from seeing lewd content online. It's a noble idea, but something individuals can easily manage on their own using parental controls. In fact there are plenty of browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox (like this one) that parents can install to block porn or even individual sites.

And here's the odd twist, the technology that the UK will use to block porn could actually be pretty useful for those who do want to keep porn out of their homes. But instead, the government has decided to wrap a sterile blanket over the entire community of Internet users and force them to either come forward and identify their browsing habits or hide in shame.


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