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The truth behind Facebook’s Free Basics #BIDebates

The truth behind Facebook’s Free Basics

Facebook is going all out with its ‘Free Basics’ campaign. It is running full page ads on leading national and regional newspapers, getting people to send emails to TRAI to garner support and reaching out to the developer community. Recently Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg held a Townhall at IIT Delhi, and even wrote a lengthy article in the Times of India justifying his stand (Source).

On the other hand, YouTubers, internet activists and even the man who invented the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee is against the idea of Free Basics/ (Source). AIB and EIC have released sequels to their Save the Internet videos. The internet community seems to be at war (again!) about drawing the line between right and wrong.

So who do you side with when one of leading young innovators on the planet and the inventor of the Internet are at loggerheads about whether a scheme is ethical or not?

BI India looks at both sides of the argument.

Done choosing you side? Great!

Vote here if you think Free Basics sucks, and here if you think its worth it.

Image credit: TheWebShift


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