The family's vast wealth and secrecy have also made it a target of countless conspiracy theories.
If you believe everything you read, the Rothschilds have facilitated the assassination of multiple U.S. Presidents, control the world's money supply, and have a network of clandestine agents that served as puppet business associates during the family's rise to power.
While most of these theories fail to present a shred of evidence, we thought we'd investigate one of the more famous stories regarding the family that has ever been told: that Nathan Rothschild was the driving force behind the
- Alexander Hamilton acted as an agent of the Rothschild family when he helped create the First National Bank;
- The First National Bank was dominated by foreign investors, including the Rothschilds; and
- Nathan Rothschild ordered the War of 1812 after the charter for the First National Bank was not renewed in 1811.
Lines between truth and inaccuracies may have blurred as time passed, but it's clear as day that this war wasn't a one-man show.