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The state of California is suing Morgan Stanley over crisis-era investments

Apr 2, 2016, 02:17 IST

A foreclosed home in CaliforniaRobert Galbraith/Reuters

The state of California is suing investment bank Morgan Stanley over losses during the financial crisis.


California alleges that the firm misrepresented complex investments such as mortgage-backed securities to California pension funds CalPERSand CalSTRS, according to a filing made in state superior court.

"Attorney General Kamala D. Harris today filed a lawsuit against investment bank Morgan Stanley for misrepresentations about complex investments such as residential mortgage-backed securities, in which large pools of home loans were packaged together and sold to investors," said a release from Harris' office.

"These misrepresentations contributed to the global financial crisis and to major losses by investors including California's public pension funds, which are responsible for the retirement security of California peace officers, firefighters, teachers, and other public employees."

In a response to Business Insider, a spokesperson for Morgan Stanley said the case is unwarranted.


"We do not believe this case has merit and intend to defend it vigorously," Morgan Stanley said in an email. "The securities at issue were marketed and sold to sophisticated institutional investors and their performance has been consistent with the sector as a whole. It is also worth noting that the alleged victim in this case elected not to pursue its own lawsuit against the firm."

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