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The scariest job chart in American sports

The scariest job chart in American sports
Sports1 min read

The Chicago Bulls have been eliminated from the playoffs and the NBA world thinks Tom Thibodeau will soon be out as head coach. If true, Thibs will be just the latest casualty in what has become the job with the least security in American sports, NBA head coach.

According to ESPN, 42 NBA head coaches have been fired in the last five seasons, including nine who were fired after making the playoffs that same year. If Thibodeau is let go by the Bulls, that would leave just three teams (Spurs, Heat, Mavericks) with the same coach they had at the start of the 2010-11 season. The Bulls would become the 22nd team to change coaches in the last two years.

If it weren't for English soccer, this might be the scariest sports job chart in the world.

NBA Coaches Chart

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