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The power players behind Jamie Dimon: the most important JPMorgan execs you've never heard about

Nov 19, 2015, 23:34 IST

AP Photo

Jamie Dimon is the undisputed leader of JPMorgan. The end of this year will mark his 10th anniversary at the consumer and investment-banking powerhouse.


He leads from the front and is a dominant personality on Wall Street. And despite a recent battle with cancer, the 59-year-old CEO recently said he has no plans to step down.

Below him, Marianne Lake, chief financial officer, has been playing a bigger role at the bank - handling earnings calls, for example.

And then there's a small army of seasoned executives who run the most crucial arms of JPMorgan's businesses: card services, mortgages, asset management, and investment banking.

We decided to profile some of these executives, who could go on to bigger roles at JPMorgan or at one of its rivals. There is a long list of JPM alumni who have made it big elsewhere.


Here, Business Insider profiles the bank's top rising stars:

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