Multiple buildings appear to have lost power including city hall, Detroit News is reporting. CBS Detroit reports that the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice and the People Mover in downtown Detroit have also lost power, while Local 4 News reports that some Wayne State University buildings lost power and people were stuck in buildings.
The area is powered by the City of Detroit Public Lighting Department, ABC 7 reports. DTE Energy says that a cable failure occurred at 12:45 pm.
Local 4 News has this footage of the scene inside the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice, where the former mistress of Bob Basharahad just taken the stand in a preliminary hearing in his first degree murder case.
Local reporter Will Jones tweeted this from the scene:
Power Outage: People Mover down, street lights out in downtown Detroit. #Local4
- Will Jones (@Local4Will) September 11, 2013
Earlier this summer the city of Detroit filed the largest municipal bankruptcy in history, but right now there is little indication that the power outage is linked to the city's financial woes - many locals are linking it to a late summer heatwave.