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The Number Of Groups Lobbying On Gun Issues Actually Dropped In 2012

Jan 13, 2013, 22:03 IST

GizmodoThanks to a handful of mass shootings, last year seemed like it was filled with gun violence.


James Holmes allegedly killed 12 in Colorado, Wade Michael Page killed six at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, and Adam Lanza killed 27 people in Newtown, Conn.

But, despite the appearances these shocking stories might give about the amount of attention guns are getting in America, the number of groups lobbying Congress about guns and ammunition actually dropped in 2012, according to OpenSecrets.org.

Those groups include entities lobbying for gun rights – like the NRA – and those lobbying for gun control like the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.

This graph from OpenSecrets.org shows the number of groups lobbying about gun issues actually hit its lowest levels since 2005:


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