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The Most Popular Apps In The U.S. Right Now

Steven Tweedie   

The Most Popular Apps In The U.S. Right Now
Tech1 min read

With over 1.2 million apps in the Apple App Store and more than 1 million in Android's Google Play Store, apps are more popular than ever-but which ones are people using the most?

Internet analytic company comScore just released the fifteen most popular apps used in April for the U.S., for iOS and Android, and there are few surprises.

You can see the full list of rankings below.

Facebook is in the lead, reaching 74.1% of smartphone users, meaning that 74.1% of people with smartphones used the app in April. Twitter clocked in with 20.4%, suggesting that only 1 in 5 smartphone users Tweet while nearly 3 of every 4 smartphones users surf Facebook.

YouTube leapfrogged Google Search for third place, coming in at nearly 50%.

Google Play and Apple Maps are, unsurprisingly, included in the rankings. Both are pre-installed on many Android devices and Apple phones. Smartphone users still prefer Google Maps to Apple Maps, however, though Android and Apple consumer can still choose between the two - both are available for both platforms.


