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The most expensive and affordable states to buy a house, ranked
The most expensive and affordable states to buy a house, ranked
Hillary HoffowerAug 18, 2018, 19:33 IST
Buying a house has become more expensive than ever - home prices have increased significantly since the 1960s, when the median price of a home was less than $100,000 in today's dollars.
Today, the median home listing price in the US is nearly $280,000, according to Zillow, but that varies by state.
We ranked the most affordable and most expensive places to buy a house according to median listing price.
But that number can vary depending on where you buy a home. Using data from Zillow, we took a look at the median home listing price in every state, including Washington, DC.
Coastal states, such as Massachusetts and California, comprised the majority of the top ten most expensive places to buy a home. Meanwhile, Southern and Midwestern states, such as Ohio, Mississippi, and Iowa, are the most affordable places to buy a house.
Below, see how much a typical house costs right now in every state, ranked from least to most expensive.