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The Mobile Revolution Is The Biggest Tech Shift In Years, And Companies Are In A Race To Keep Up

Jan 23, 2014, 23:17 IST

BIIWe know that mobile is becoming the place for media consumption. It is where people are doing their social networking, video viewing, reading, and of course, location-based searching. But how can companies truly capitalize on this consumer revolution and adapt to their mobile-centric customers?


A recent report from BI Intelligence, discusses how tech companies, social networks, and app developers are shifting business models to accommodate their growing mobile-centric user bases.

Access the full report and data by signing up for a free trial to BI Intelligence today>

Here are some highlights from the report on mobile media consumption:

The full report provides in-depth analysis and detailed data on these trends, including a dozen charts with underlying data sets that subscribers can download and use in spreadsheet format.


For full access to this report along with dozens of in-depth mobile industry reports and a library of hundreds of charts, sign up for a two-week free trial of BI Intelligence.


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