The Market Looked Completely Different To Robots Than It Did To Humans During The Fed Announcement
This one was for the robots.
Fed Chief Ben Bernanke shocked Wall Street by announcing no change in the Fed's $84 billion monthly bond buying program, quantitative easing.
And the trading on that announcement was so fast and furious that to the naked eye it looked like a spike shooting straight up.
What it really was, at least to anything that can see the market in milliseconds, was an explosion.
You can check out the action for yourself below, slowed down (or blown up, whichever) to 150 milliseconds, thanks to market research firm Nanex.
As Nanex CEO Eric Hunsader put it, "What any human saw was like reading yesterdays newspaper."
We've got one of his awesome charts below. For more, head to Nanex.
First, this is what humans saw:
And now for what the robots saw: