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The iPhone Has Become So Popular That It Just Tied Samsung

Jan 29, 2015, 10:14 IST

All the numbers are pouring in on Q4 and things are looking pretty stellar for Apple.


As we reported Tuesday, Apple crushed analysts' estimates selling 74.5 million iPhones, up 46% compared to the year prior, its biggest-ever quarter by 23.4 million units. Analysts were expecting only 65 million units sold.

And now we're learning that 74.5 million number is equal to Samsung in Q4, according to Bloomberg, citing an e-mailed statement by Strategy Analytics.

That gives both Apple and Samsung a 19.6 percent smartphone market share, with Lenovo coming in Third at 6.5 percent (they own Motorola). This is the first time a tie has happened since 2011.

2014 was a banner year for Apple in many ways.


It finally broke into the phablet market, offering that big phone (iPhone 6) that only Android users previously had. This along with a big physical makeover of the base iPhone unit (the iPhone 6), boasting a much bigger screen, and a sleek new design to match a changed operating system.

These larger screen devices allowed Apple to move in aggressively on Samsung and other smartphone makers, and that includes the large Chinese market.

Bloomberg also notes that Strategy Analytics says smartphone shipments in Q4 went up to 380.1 million, and a record 1.3 billion for 2014.

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