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The Internet Is Hysterical Over The Daily Mail's Explanation Of Apple's iCloud

Sep 3, 2014, 19:19 IST

Twitter came alight Wednesday morning as users shared photos from an article about Apple's iCloud troubles that appeared in paper editions of today's Daily Mail.


In its explanation of how remote computer file storage works, the tabloid was at pains to point out that iCloud is, in fact, not "an actual cloud."

The headline blared, "WHAT IS THE iCLOUD?":

Daily Mail / Ben Pickering / TwitterToday's Daily Mail as captured by Twitter user Ben Pickering.

Here's the answer, in the text:


Daily Mail / Twitter / Christine Wilson

Interestingly, the article didn't make it into some editions of the paper and it can't be found in the Mail's online archives. (We first read about it in The Guardian.)

Twitter user Henry Mance took it a step further:

Henry Mance

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