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The Guys Who Built A Stanley Cup Replica Out Of Meat Have Written The Ultimate Carnivore's Cookbook

Dec 19, 2013, 21:12 IST

courtesy of ManBQueGood news for meat lovers: the men of Chicago-based grilling organization ManBQue are publishing a cookbook that caters specifically to hungry carnivores.


We first wrote about John Carruthers and Jesse Valenciana back in July, when the meat enthusiasts built a true-to-size replica of the Stanley Cup made completely out of ground beef, bacon, and hot dogs.

Though you won't find a recipe for the famous meat Stanley Cup, the new cookbook, out April 2014, offers plenty of cooking advice from the everyday (burgers and wings) to the unusual (pig tongue and snails).

"ManBQue: Meat. Beer. Rock and Roll" will even tell you which beers you should be pairing with your meat.

According to the book's Amazon description: "Once a month the members cast aside their daily responsibilities for good food and company. In this spirit, the margins are filled with stories of what you're eating, which ManBQue member invented it, and how that insanely delicious process occurred. By the end, you too will be shouting 'MANBQUE!'"


You can pre-order the book now at Amazon.

You'll find recipes like this one, for a dish they call "Lagunitas Beer Cheese:"



1 cup (8 ounces) American wheat pale ale (like Lagunitas Little Sumpin' Sumpin')
¼ pound cheddar, shredded
¼ pound dry mozzarella, grated
1 ¼ tablespoons Sriracha sauce
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon kosher salt

  1. Add 1/2 cup of the beer to a food processor. Add the cheeses and pulse.
  2. Add the Sriracha, Dijon, Worcestershire, salt, and remaining beer.
  3. Pulse again until just combined. Don't overmix or you'll whip the cheese.
  4. Serve with fresh bread, possibly while watching some sort of horse race.

Reprinted with permission by Running Press, A Member of the Perseus Books Group.

Courtesy of ManBQue

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