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The GOP's Favorability Ratings Have Tanked To Their Lowest Point Ever

Oct 10, 2013, 00:54 IST

Only 28% of Americans view the Republican Party favorably, the lowest mark for either party in Gallup polling dating back to 1992, when they started asking that question.


The latest Gallup survey, taken amid an ongoing federal government shutdown for which most have blamed Republicans so far, plunges the GOP's favorability levels 10 points from where they were in September. More than six in 10 Americans (62%) now view the Republican Party unfavorably, also a record-high in Gallup polling.

The previous low for the GOP came in 1999, when only 31% of people viewed the party favorably.

Democrats have a more measured favorable-to-unfavorable split at 43-49. The 43% favorability level is down four points from last month.

And President Barack Obama's approval rating stands at 44%, compared with 51% who disapprove.


Here's a chart of the historical trend:


In addition to the government shutdown, the two parties are also locked in a debate over raising the nation's borrowing limit. Obama and the Treasury Department have repeatedly warned that a failure to raise the debt ceiling could lead to default and disastrous economic consequences.

"The Republican Party is clearly taking a bigger political hit from Americans thus far in the unfolding saga, with 28% rating the GOP favorably - a loss of 10 points from only a month ago," Gallup editor-in-chief Frank Newport wrote.

"This contrasts with previous Gallup findings from just before the government shutdown showing the Republican Party making up ground on a few key issues. Thus, the Republican Party's current strategy in the fiscal debates may not be paying dividends."

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