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'The Emoji Movie' has a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes - and critics say it 'can't escape its own idiocy'

Jul 28, 2017, 21:16 IST


You knew it was going to happen sooner or later - an aspect of our everyday habits made into a movie. And Sony was the studio that dove in and did it.


"The Emoji Movie" opens this weekend and critics aren't too happy about it.

As one put it: "This failed attempt to create a story from a texting trend makes the worst comic book adaptation look like Shakespeare."

The animated movie starring T.J. Miller as Gene the "meh" emoji, who goes on an adventure in a teen's phone, currently has the dreaded 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Here's why the movie is one of the worst-reviewed of the year (which will either make you run as fast as you can from the multiplex, or give you even more motivation to see it):


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