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The Eiffel Tower is lit in yellow, black, and red in solidarity with Brussels - here's what it looks like

Mar 23, 2016, 00:37 IST

Since news broke of Tuesday's terrorist attacks in Brussels, the city of Paris has been showing its support for Belgium. 


Earlier on Tuesday, the city changed its Twitter avatar to the colors of the Belgian flag. Now, the Eiffel Tower is also lit up in the yellow, black, and red of the nation's flag. 

Take a look. 


And another look. 



On Twitter, people are also beginning to share images of the Eiffel Tower lit in honor of Brussels. 

And here's another look from Huffington Post UK's Elliot Wagland.

This isn't the first time a nation has lit a monument as a sign of support. Following the November 2015 attacks on Paris, monuments around the world were lit in the colors of the French flag

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