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The definitive ranking of Wall Street investment banks in every business line

Sep 30, 2015, 12:31 IST

Flickr CC/Henry Burrows

We have new data on how Wall Street banks stack up in every business line, and there's one clear winner.


JPMorgan leads the pack for the first half of 2015 when it comes to global investment banking revenue across fixed income, equities, and banking, according to data-analytics company Coalition.

The bank made $13.2 billion over the first six months of the year, according to the firm.

It ranked number one by revenues in credit, rates, foreign exchange, equity derivatives and debt capital markets.

Goldman Sachs ranks in second place overall this year, placing first by revenues in commodities, equity capital markets, and mergers and acquisitions, and joint first in cash equities.


Deutsche Bank and Citi are tied for third place overall.

Here's the global ranking, plus the rankings broken down by region.

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